Hey Krux!
I really liked your diagram in TY's thread! I'm hoping that I can use it for my system.
I have a 180 FO that is currently running on bioballs and a UV sterilizer. I'd like to dump the bioballs and UV after setting up a 29 gallon refugium next to the existing sump. If I fill the refugium with LS and LR, could it support the 180? Further, after ridding the existing sump of the bioballs, I could also add LR and LS to 1/2 of the sump and still have room for my skimmer. (Dan's got some calpera I could add also.)
I've thought of making the tank a FOWLR; but, my fish are mostly triggers and I've read here that they eat cleanup crews and can make rubble out of large pieces of LR. It sounds like an iffy proposition even though my juvenile triggers are not yet aggressive.
Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
My bioload consists of 5 small triggers, 1 bird wrasse & 1 tang. I currently have crushed coral substrate, holely black rock and "silk" plants in the FO.
I really liked your diagram in TY's thread! I'm hoping that I can use it for my system.
I have a 180 FO that is currently running on bioballs and a UV sterilizer. I'd like to dump the bioballs and UV after setting up a 29 gallon refugium next to the existing sump. If I fill the refugium with LS and LR, could it support the 180? Further, after ridding the existing sump of the bioballs, I could also add LR and LS to 1/2 of the sump and still have room for my skimmer. (Dan's got some calpera I could add also.)
I've thought of making the tank a FOWLR; but, my fish are mostly triggers and I've read here that they eat cleanup crews and can make rubble out of large pieces of LR. It sounds like an iffy proposition even though my juvenile triggers are not yet aggressive.
Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
My bioload consists of 5 small triggers, 1 bird wrasse & 1 tang. I currently have crushed coral substrate, holely black rock and "silk" plants in the FO.