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what i am saying is he can not open his mouth right now i never feed my lion brine but just to get him to eat while is jaw is merked i do not think it is a bad idea.....you see what i am saying
I know what your saying but i still thinks its a bad idea lol.
are you posetive he has lockjaw?
or is it lack of interest in the food reason im asking this quiestion is due to my lionwent on a hunger strike a while back along with my spiney boxfish they both acted as if they couldnt eat the food .the lion chased it down and then just stopped the puffer tried but then would hold the food in his mouth without chewing.my fish eat like pigs on a daily basis and when they dont eat i know something is wrong water was good all but temp it had dropped (i forgot to plug heaters back in)i did notice a slight coating on my puffer very slight lion looked fine but wouldnt eat I melafixed the tank and right away my lion ate
spike did not i started adding garlic to the tank along with selcome formula and trace elements.after a week of spike not eating and the lion going backand forth i noticed finally (wasnt easy to see on these 2 fish) ich i coppersafed my tank and within 24 hrs both were eating normally again and i have had no problems sinse ich is now all gone btw was gone completly within a week.
so id say try dosing your tank with melafix(even if not bacterial problem it does help reduce stress) add garlic extreme( i prefer this one) or other garlic solution you may use
selcon and a vit suppliment.if you cant get him to digest the nutrients at least he can injest and absorb through the gills. basily your boosting nutrition through the water supply.if not in the foods