Hey Lion crazz ....quick question.......


Hey a little while back you posted that you volitans lip had seperated....hopfully you know what i am referring to......my volitan looks the same, but like yours he is acting normal and behaving normal......so what did you figure out?


Active Member
lockjaw , normal occurance, he will be fine and if you see him rubbing his face off the rocks that also is fine as he is trying to get it back in pl;ace. Overtime it will just go back t normal and he will start eating again like normal.. hope i helped


i dont think it is lock jaw his mouth is moving fine........it like is lip is peeled back....lock jaw is like what ihave in my mouth, where your jaw locks in place when the mouth is opened, if i am correct?


Active Member
Well I wish I could help you, but my lion still has the lip problem. Fenner had no advice to my problem either. I sent him pictures of the problem and all. My fuzzy dwarf had the same thing happen to her, but she got rid of it in a matter of a few days. I don't know how she did it, but I wish she would help my volitan fix the problem too.


Active Member
just out of curiousity for both of you are you stick feeding or drop feeding?I used to stick feed my lions regularly with no problems but just one time my large lion acted as if the stick hurt him(like caught on his mouth or poked him) he wont go near the feeding stick now and is drop fed.is it possible he got his lip stuck on a feeding stick?


yes very possible.......and it very possible he does not want anything to do with that rod of death lol...........yeah he might have scared him self......not sure.....would you like to get him back on a feeding stick? because if he still eating thats a good thing.....right


Active Member
the only thing I now use a feeding stick for is my new tess all other fish are hand fed or drop fed into the tank my lions now come to the top of the tank for food and my other eels come out of hiding to eat also.if yours wont go near the stick maybe thats what caused the injury


Active Member
Originally Posted by D0cH0liday
mine has lockjaw right now......and he still goes after anything......i mean anything
he cant eat though? try dosing your tank with garlic extreme 1 drop per every 10 gal this will help keep his imune system up from not eating.aslo try adding other suppliment and vit to your tank such as trace elements marine zoe selcon..the essensial ellements are absorbed through the gills and even if your fish cannot eat at the moment hes still getting some of the vit he needs.


Active Member
ditch the brine shrimp it has very little nutritonal value to sw fish if he needs smaller foods than mysis(saok in garlic extreme) or phlakton ect place the foods ina blender if need be to make it smaller for him to eat. but unfortunaly brine shrimp having none to little nutrition value can be a contributing cause to his lockjaw.lockjaw has been found to be associated symptom of improper diet.


Active Member
I hand feed my lion. He still comes up to my hand to eat but is much less of an aggressive eater than normal.


brine will keep him live long enough for his jaw to reset......if he does not eat he will die......so screw nutrional value......right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by D0cH0liday
brine will keep him live long enough for his jaw to reset......if he does not eat he will die......so screw nutrional value......right?
accualy just the oppesite.because brine has almost no nutritional value to sw fish the fish will lose health.its kinda living on lettuce or popcorn for humans.yes youv eaten but you still starve to death.to regain his health he needs nutrition to strengthen his muscles so he can eat properly again.lack of essential nutrient is the #1 cause of illness and death in any fish tank without proper diet these fish cannot fight off deseases or paresites .just because a LFS feeds it to there fish which btw they dont keep for long anyways doesnt mean its the best for them they use the cheepest route to keep the animals alive.my LFS fed my new eel goldfish for the last yr doesnt mean it was good for him but it kept him along.you ask for any live feeders from any LFS they will sell you all fw species such as gold fish,ghost shrimp,brine shrimp.rosies mollies (if ya want to spend more),.you want good foods that are nutricous your gonna pay for them .so you save a few extra bucks on brine shrimp than you will mysis or other types of foods at what cost..the cost of possibly your fish which wasnt a 2 dollar fish..should we all just say screw nutritiional value?
might as well not feed them at all. just prolonging starvation anyways?


what i am saying is he can not open his mouth right now i never feed my lion brine but just to get him to eat while is jaw is merked i do not think it is a bad idea.....you see what i am saying


Active Member
Originally Posted by D0cH0liday
what i am saying is he can not open his mouth right now i never feed my lion brine but just to get him to eat while is jaw is merked i do not think it is a bad idea.....you see what i am saying

I know what your saying but i still thinks its a bad idea lol.
are you posetive he has lockjaw?
or is it lack of interest in the food reason im asking this quiestion is due to my lionwent on a hunger strike a while back along with my spiney boxfish they both acted as if they couldnt eat the food .the lion chased it down and then just stopped the puffer tried but then would hold the food in his mouth without chewing.my fish eat like pigs on a daily basis and when they dont eat i know something is wrong water was good all but temp it had dropped (i forgot to plug heaters back in)i did notice a slight coating on my puffer very slight lion looked fine but wouldnt eat I melafixed the tank and right away my lion ate
spike did not i started adding garlic to the tank along with selcome formula and trace elements.after a week of spike not eating and the lion going backand forth i noticed finally (wasnt easy to see on these 2 fish) ich i coppersafed my tank and within 24 hrs both were eating normally again and i have had no problems sinse ich is now all gone btw was gone completly within a week.
so id say try dosing your tank with melafix(even if not bacterial problem it does help reduce stress) add garlic extreme( i prefer this one) or other garlic solution you may use
selcon and a vit suppliment.if you cant get him to digest the nutrients at least he can injest and absorb through the gills. basily your boosting nutrition through the water supply.if not in the foods


look i am %100 postive it is lockjaw......he can not open his mouth......i can go with ghost shrimp but it has to be somthing small ...as far as garlic and meta flix i already do that.....so i am with you on that, but as far as eating brine and ghost shrimp are the only things i can find that are small enough for him to eat
My lion loves formula one frozen food cubes. You can make pieces as small as you want if you can get him to eat it. Hope he gets better soon!