Hey Moderators


Active Member
yeah, what email what questions???
Originally posted by timsedwards
lets discuss it here so we can all see and be nosy :D

if it is board or hobby related, please by all means do. remember, we all benefit by open discussion.

nm reef

Active Member
I've seen no e-mail from you...a few e-mails but this is news to me. Is there something which could be addressed here?
Ok I have sent an Email to moderator by press " Contact us" below.
Reason of asking.....
1) Profile inaccessible? Why cant I able to get in certain member's profile to PM or send an Email? Strange thing that I can click in profile and Email to certain person with other forum but not this forum. Why?
2) Where is Jason? (Member name was like Tenk something)
Sent an Email twice..... No reply......
Let's see if anyone reply this one.


Active Member
Private messages are disabled here. They have been for as long as I have been around. This is not other forums........different forums work in different ways.
Don't know who Jason is.......so sorry.

nm reef

Active Member
As stated personal messages are dis-abled here.
Some members do not want their e-maill accessable on their profiles.
I've no idea who Jason may be...and he may no longer be a active member.
Any other questions?


Wait a minute........the guy I've got tied up in the back room is supposed to be Jason.
That's the last time I buy a hostage on ----! :eek:


Active Member
Isn't that Weird ?
You send a message on the "Contact Us" button that nobody gets....and the next thing you know There are Crop Circles
popping up all over...:eek: :eek: :eek:


Active Member

Originally posted by nolofinwe
I have sam (or matt).
If you ever want to see him again send one billion dollars to the corner of north and park streets in Burlington.
No cops. ok, well maybe one ...or two.

That cracked me up. For some reason it reminds me of Austin Powers.


Active Member
I tell you what...A billion dollars is a little steep for me right now. I tell you what, if it is Sam i will give you 500 Million. If it is Matt then I think I will only go 250 Million. I never did like that guy that much, kind of one of those close talking, attention grabbing , always late kind of guys. In fact the more I think about it that SOB still has my drill. Forget it Keep him.