hey NMREEF and other older users


New Member
I am an older user, from about 5 years ago, I left about 2 years ago, and forgot what my screen name was,
i remember NMREEF, and SAMMYSTINGRAY, TREY, and some guy who built hovercrafts, as major contributers to this forum, is there a way to find my old screen name,
i want my "street credit" back

im thinking it was deleted after being in active for so long.
also, i was level, powder blue tang if i remember correctly


Active Member
I don't know if NM can help you...he is getting kinda "old"...dosen't remember to good anymore.. :notsure:
Next time we wheel him out for his hour in the sun we'll ask him..


Finally I get to use that sodium pentothal I've been hording. Now now Beth it won't hurt a bit.
Oh and that fomer shark that worked on hover crafts was MR. Salty.


New Member
hey! I found my old name! by searching some old posts!

um...didnt mean old as in age, the term "older user" was in reference to 2+ years on this forum
yeah! MR.salty! thanks ive been trying to remember what his screen name was.
now if i could just remember my pasword...hummm.....


Active Member

yep, last I heard NM goes to bed really early.......can't stay awake too long.
So what was your old user name?


Staff member
So what's your old name? You should be able to retrieve your old password if you don't remember it. There should be a password retrieval process in the sign on area.
I barely hobbled out here from the Shark Tank to tell you this and now I'm so exhausted, I think I'll go back to my recliner and take a long nap. Jeez, ya think you all can let me rest some til lunchtime?


I totally understand what your talking about. I left the US for a while, like couple of years, went to some hot hot place only for people not to like me so much, come back to the states, and low and behold, Second thing I do is start hooking up another tank... **First thing was to get into grad school....**. I came on the forums, found my old name, and w/ that name I can't post anything. **sniff, sniff**, but that's ok. I've got my new name, w/ my nickname that I somehow got while being all hot and stuff. lol.
Ps. I never want to see that much sand again, but I did get a promo to 1st Lt. Yea to me, but not for the rest of my life. One day, I'll be Dr. Roofis Doofis!! lol, and I'll play w/ your heads.