Hey Puffer Lover


New Member
I just read one of your other posts about garlic. I tried garlic on my puffer before the copper. Did yours act as I've described or did they just lose their appetite?? Mine still goes crazy when he sees the pink can the krill is kept in.


Active Member
Well when I had the Ick outbreak in the big tank last year (the first one ever) I attributed it to the fact that the Porks had been at the lfs for 9 weeks while waiting for their new tank (thats another story). Once they got sick I was concerned after all these years how they would handle any med so I decided to start out with the garlic since I had read about it here quite a bit. The wife went and got me the right type at a health store and I proceeded to use it but I know now I used too much and for a few days the Porks ate ok but then they got more spots and stopped eating all together. The tank smelled horrible and of course I had a top layer of water that looked like the Exxon Valdez had been in my tank. Anyway after trying greenx and Paragon2 they still were not better in fact their eyes had a white crust on them. I figured I had lost the war but decided to keep trying (they are my favorites) till they died (and I was sure they were days away from doing so). Did a massive water change and went for broke with my SeaCure copper (trying to dose a 125 gal tank is not fun). They both hung in (their tankmates died early on, a Niger Trigger and a Emperor Angel)and lord knows how within 2 weeks their eyes were clear , their spots gone, and then one day the Big Male started to eat again (the female I had fed with a baby syringe for a few days- Now isn't that hoot, but she would come up and wrap her mouth around it and I would shoot crushed food into her). It was a full 4 weeks the Male did not eat but I am happy to say they are both fine and have been ever since the copper was used. So I guess the morale is never give up and know your fish and how they act when healthy (it gives you a clue when you see them start to change their habits that something might be wrong).