Hey TangMan99!!


What did you think of Ian McShane's speach at the Golden Globes?? It was so well deserved, and so Al Swearangen!! MINE, MINE, MINE!! OK, sorry, I am obviously a Deadwood junkie!


And since this thread is for you, then this is a good place to ask, "Where'd your avatar come from?"


Active Member

Originally posted by Takia
What did you think of Ian McShane's speach at the Golden Globes?? It was so well deserved, and so Al Swearangen!! MINE, MINE, MINE!! OK, sorry, I am obviously a Deadwood junkie!

Darn, I didn't see it. I bet it was good though. I love his role on Deadwood and can't wait for the new season to start!
Tizzo, I borrowed my avatar from the Deadwood webpage at HBO sites. They have everyones picture there. It was a tough choice between him and Seth. If you go to the HBO site and pick deadwood, then cast and crew you can see them all. Heck, we need to dish out the whole gang. Tizzo, you can be Joanie Stubbs. Anyone else?


I've never even HEARD of "Deadwood" until this thread. Lemme go check it out.


Active Member

Originally posted by Tizzo
I've never even HEARD of "Deadwood" until this thread. Lemme go check it out.

It's an awesome show, but they drop more F bombs and other colorful words than any other show I've ever watched. I love the show and have the Tivo setup to catch all the episodes. They are running the 1st season right now 2 at a time to catch people up before the new season.


I am still waiting for Nip/Tuck, LOL.
Which night is "Deadwood" on??


Along with the F bombs there is more body parts then you would see in a soft ----!! It is a Sunday night HBO show. I have been hooked since the previews beofre the fist season! I haghly reccomend seeing it! One of the best, may rival Soprano's sooner or later......... later maybe!


Active Member

Originally posted by Takia
Along with the F bombs there is more body parts then you would see in a soft ----!!

Oh yeah! I forgot about that. (Not really). Hey Takia, were you as glad as I was when the preacher finally kicked the bucket (with a little help from Al)? He was really starting to get on my nerves. I damn near cheered when the girl and her boyfriend got snuffed also after trying to rob Cy.
I wish the new season would start soon. :yes:


Yeah, the preacher was driving me up the wall!! I have the eps of TiVo, so every once in a while I watch them, and I was so glad to see him go!! The kids robbing the places were so funny, it was such a common sense thing, and it was a long time coming! The next season is supposed to include more Alma, Trixie and Joannie; but I would love to see more of Jane! And what about those pigs and the bath house!?!?!?


Active Member
Yeah, Al keeps those pigs well fed. I did not realize until recently that most of the character were based on real people in deadwood including Al. It was on the History channel and kind of ruined some of the upcoming episodes because they seem to be following the historical events. Of course they will be presented in a very colorful manner so it should not matter much.


That is what I LOVE about the show. Is that they are similar to actual events. They are going to run out of material sooner or later though, which sucks!! I jsut hope that we get al least 6 seasons out of it!!


Active Member
My boss went to Deadwood when he attended the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally last year. Rode the Harley in to town. He said it was awesome. He is also a huge fan of the show.
I don't know how long they can stretch it out, but like you I hope for several years.


Sunday night!!! 9PM!!! I am so ready to see it... Here is what HBO has to say, I am looking for some type of spoiler previews!
What I do know is that Seth's wife shows up...
The spring of 1877 brings major changes to the teeming outlaw camp of Deadwood, as civilization makes its way to town. New arrivals will usher in an era of power struggles with the camp founders-and power struggles in Deadwood have a way of turning violent....


Active Member
OH YEAH! The TIVO is already setup with Deadwood in the number 1 priority slot. I've been waiting too long and I'm glad it is almost here. :cheer:


What did you think?!?!? I LOVED the plaster falling off the ceiling!! I wish the sound quality was better though. Even with the surround sound some of the dialog got messed up. Had to watch it twice (or was that my excuse:confused: ). What do you think is wrong with Al?? I am thinking VD with the loss of sight and the inability to pee. I can’t wait to see what happens after 5 minutes....


Active Member
Yeah, it got off to a great start. You noticed that with the sound also? I thought it was just me as I'm coming down with something and thought my ears may be affected.
I have no idea about Al. It can't be anything bad though as the show could not go on without him.
So how long do you think Silas is going to last? He's already pee'd off Dan which is not a smart thing to do.


Silas is a wild card. He is very tentative to what is going on around him. That is what may save him in the end (i.e. the scene where Al is getting dressed after the fight and Dan & Johnny are talking, he just was there in the corner listening). Dan can be a loose cannon. But, I really think that if Al is smart he would get rid of Johnny at this point, he is even worse then Dan.
What did you think of Al’s impression of E.B.? I had to pause it because I was laughing so hard!! And Merrick asking Mrs. Bullock for an interview and her first impressions of came, and Doc telling her well maybe not all! What do you thing is going to happen with Cy? He seems to be a little crazy!!


Active Member
Ok, Is everyone following along here or are we loosing you?
I don't know about Silas. He's a opportunist but Dan just may take him out. He doesn't care for him at all.
Al's impression of E.B. was hillarious, but I've yet to figure out what he said. Just the voice itself though was funny as Heck.
Cy is certifiable. Joannie is going to drive him into getting himself killed somehow. It's going to get very interesting very fast.
Seth is also in pickle. I can't wait for the second part. This should have been a 2 hour season opener. :mad:


I hope more people are figuring out what we are talking about!! The show is really taking off.
I found a website that has a transcript. Here is the whole imitation scene...
Al:Shut up, Johnny! (gasping) Detail Bullock’s condition.
EB:The worse for wear. No clarity to his look or focus, as I could cite in other combatants. (touches Al’s shoulder)
Al:You touch me, E.B., I’ll put your nose through your

brain! Now, did he state his further intentions?
EB:To have his gun and badge back.
Al:In what

EB:Well, I’d shy from putting a name to it, Al. (chuckles) He was talking to an 8 year-old.
Al:Sound like he’d be coming back for more?
EB:Well, I’d hate to guess and be wrong.
Al:New whores on that coach, huh? Find out where they’ll be working.
EB:I could take him his gun and badge, plumb his intent as we talk.
Al:And how would that chat start, E.B., huh? (imitates E.B. – Adams chuckling)) “Here’s your hardware, and as he looks a ---- anyway, Al would like you to have this rose.” (Waves a bottle at E.B.)
Does Cy not realize that he has a little too much hardware for Joannie? He has some weird love thing for her?? She will be his end.
My problem was that the episode was only 42 minutes (that is how long it took me to watch it on TiVo) after you take out the credits, reviews, and previews. UGH!!!!