hey this is just a quetion about eels in captivaty(please forgive my spelling)


New Member
what is the big daddy of all of the captive eels that can be kept in an aquairuim.and by "big daddy" i mean in agression,color,size,and teeth. (again forgive my spelling)


Hawaiian Dragon Eel<a href="http://www.***********.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=21&pCatId=125" target="_blank">Hawaiian Dragon Eel</a>


Active Member
Tesselatta's and Green Moray's both get much larger than Hawaiin Dragons. The aggression in all varies, and all three are piscivorious, feeding on fish. This means they will all have a very impressive set of teeth. The Hawaiin dragon might be the most unusually colored, but they are all gorgeous. All three should be kept in a species only tank, the green moray and tesselatta should have at least a 200g tank. Bo
there is a local pet shop by my house that is selling 2 they are about 2 ' for $500 each .. compared to the price online that is a steal .. what is the average price on one of those