
nm reef

Active Member
George and your Republician buddys.....we heard all the crap and rants about "Weapons of Mass Destruction"...and we've backed your play with lives and billions of our tax dollars....I'm just wonderin'....could y'all do something about "Prices of Mass Disruption"......I mean maybe the new slogan could get another republician elected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've about had it with the price gouging and the reports of cost increaes due to limited refrinery capacity and the sharp increase in crude prices......just watch the oil companies profit margins rise again and then tell me its all supply and demand and all the other bogus reasons...bottom line is the oil companies and the majority share holders are reaping massive profits for any available reason.....heck....the wind is blowing here today....look out the price of crude may reach $85 a barrel cause of it...........corporate America is doing real dang good with y'all in office but the backbone of America ... the working everyday average Joe is payin' y'alls bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the rant.....but it just took $80 to fill my friggin' tank.......and I'm fed up....y'all can knock Clinton all you want but we had a balanced budget and sanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
NM Reef,
I know what you mean. It sucks, BIG time. Tonight on the news it show a few cent drop on the prices, I hope it continues. I heard a rumor from a guy at a car dealership, he said they we're told that our Govener here in MI is going to pass a bill that put a 3.00 cap on gas here. Let's hope. My hubby and I we're planning on buying a SUV for our Annv. gift, but decided to wait for the prices to come down. I hope it does soon, I want that car.


Don't even get me started! I put 1000 miles on my explorer every week! Talk about a feeling,( kicked square in the boys 3 times a week)


Active Member
Wow! Never seen this side of you before, NM!!!
I don't think you can just blame all this on Bush. The money sucks, but just be happy you live in America, and have the right to grope about it.
Good night!


Atleast we dont live in Europe where its $8 dollars a gallon our government brings alot of the price down.


Staff member
Well, as you may know I work for th State of Fla...yeah, right, Jeb Bush is my boss.
Starting today we have to turn up the thermostate in our buildings to 80 degrees, turn off the lights, printers, stop work related travel and work 10 hours days, 4-day work week to conserve energy. Its a joke.
WMD=Water of Mass Destruction....little sick joke here in the Gulf States.


Wow that is recockulous, have you looked in the paper for a new job? My dad also works for the state but they havent done anything like that yet. Jeb Bush is a joke by the way......


Staff member
I haven't looked for a LFS since I can't re-set up a fish tank due to extensive travel in my job. I think there is at least 1 deadicated fish store. Its been very hard not being able to have a tank, after having one for so many yrs. One day, I may drop in on the area fish stores.
I went to my neighborhood gas station yesturday during lunch hour to top-off since a lot of stations have run out of gas. It was a Walmart gas station selling Regular for $2.99. By the time I got home from work later on the price had dropped to $2.76! :mad: Now how can just a couple hours make a difference like that? I realize that there was a break in gas prices yesturday, at least in this area but.....


Active Member
some managers of gas stations forget to change their signs, and it keeps people pumping gas until they look at the actual pump....not the sign, another thing is they try to hold on as long as they can to lower prices. everyone is trying to do something, hear about some states dropping state tax on gas, lowering it effectively almost 20 cents per gallon. hope this trend stays.


Staff member
The tax on gas should be eliminated across the county. And since Bush is anti-tax, he should lead in seeing that the tax is eliminated, at least during the crisis.


Active Member
do you have any idea how much money that is? there is no way in hell they could do that...at least federal tax. i dont think he can impose and over ride state tax laws like that neccessarily