His eyes were a little cloudy it appeared, but never got better or worse for three years, no matter what I tried. Standard garlic, frequent water changes, vitachem, whatever. I also never treated the tang for ich, yet if it was ich it never passed along to the other inhabitants.
I think it just shows so many signs of other diseases because it was so far gone into the HLLE. When i got him, his gills were blood-red, the blue color and even the white underskin color were completely erased. His gills were more jagged than normal as well. It was almost as if there was absolutely no skin left on his gills. Not sure why his eyes were a little cloudy, but never popped out more or less, and never had the classic spot in the center. I think he was just so stressed from his condition that his eyes were constantly a little clouded. Poor thing. At least when he met his natural death he had gained some blue back around his dorsals and sides, and his pectoral fins were back to normal and bright.