Hi All... re-Reefing soon I hope. questions...


New Member
Hi All,
I have been away from reefs for about 3 years now.. I actually used to post here but I forgot my log in.. haha.. SO had to start over...
ANyhow.. Thinking of getting back in and wanted some advise...
Thinking about doing a 30 Gal reef...
I wanted to have mostly clams with very few fish.....
Maxima Clams
Derasa Clams
Squamosa Clam
Bullseye pistol shrimp
Green Brain Coral
Green Star Polyps
Maybe 2 small fish...
For filtration, I was planning on having a 2" sandbed in the tank with 30-40 lbs live rock, and a skimmer. I dont think I need a refugium if I have a small fish bioload.. is this correct?
What I would like help on is lighting... What type of lights should i use for the clams? ALso, what wattages?
THanks everyone! If you see anything wrong with what I have selected for the tank please let me know as well!!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Tylerh
Hi All,
I have been away from reefs for about 3 years now.. I actually used to post here but I forgot my log in.. haha.. SO had to start over...
ANyhow.. Thinking of getting back in and wanted some advise...
Thinking about doing a 30 Gal reef...
I wanted to have mostly clams with very few fish.....
Maxima Clams
Derasa Clams
Squamosa Clam
Bullseye pistol shrimp
Green Brain Coral
Green Star Polyps
Maybe 2 small fish...
For filtration, I was planning on having a 2" sandbed in the tank with 30-40 lbs live rock, and a skimmer. I dont think I need a refugium if I have a small fish bioload.. is this correct?
What I would like help on is lighting... What type of lights should i use for the clams? ALso, what wattages?
THanks everyone! If you see anything wrong with what I have selected for the tank please let me know as well!!

30g...150W... Metal halides or T5s for lights, clams are filter feeders so you will need some power heads for current.