hi another 10 pleease help



hi i just set up a 10 gallon in it i have out water in it from my prior 20(so i dont have to cycle) that i took down because i did not have enough lighting in my tank i have :
-penguin 150 biowheel filter
-65 watt odyssea 50/50 lighting
-10-20lbs of lr
-emerald crab
-small hermits
-turbo snail
can u guys give any tips on this open for suugestions what about water changes


Active Member
what do you want tips/help on ?
Did the LR and LS come from your 20g also? if not you may see a cycle starting.
What type of fish are you interested in?
Most Gobies and Clowns do well in small tanks. With some exceptions.
I would do 1-2 gallons a week water changes. I currently do 3.5 gallons every other week in my 12 gallon.
With 65 watts over 10 gallons you shouldn't have much trouble keeping most corals.


Originally Posted by yerboy
what do you want tips/help on ?
Did the LR and LS come from your 20g also? if not you may see a cycle starting.
What type of fish are you interested in?
Most Gobies and Clowns do well in small tanks. With some exceptions.
I would do 1-2 gallons a week water changes. I currently do 3.5 gallons every other week in my 12 gallon.
With 65 watts over 10 gallons you shouldn't have much trouble keeping most corals.
should i go back to the 20


Originally Posted by yerboy
I dont see why not then you can use your 10 as a QT tank
whats a qt tank and what about my lack of $ to buy more lighting and filtraation


Active Member
QT means quarantine tank. A tank you use to put your new fish/corals in for a few weeks to make sure they are not sick. " to keep from spreading the sickness to your display tank".
If you cant afford to do add filtrations and lighting to a 2nd tank then just sick with one or the other tanks. You will have better results with corals with the 10 gallon IMO due to lighting but can add more to the 20 gallon, of course its up to what you have in mind and what you want to get out of the hobby.