Hi everyone!


Hi everyone, I'm a new aquarist. I started out with a 6 gallon tank with 2 tank-raised Perc Clownfishes, one Orange Striped Goby, 6 snails and 6 hermits.
I've had the tank for about 2 months now and I decided to start up a 12 gallon tank about 3 weeks ago, and I just transferred them over to the new tank yesterday. They all seem to be doing great.
I used to have 2 baby anemones...the green one and a pink one, both bubble anemones. The green one sadly died...and ever since then I grew very paranoid with my pink one so I donated it back to the store. They say he's doing well and if I wanted him back I could take him back--I still visit him whenever I'm in the store and I feel better about it that he's there.
I'm really freaked out about big mouths and moving things now LOL...my anemone dying was a pretty ugly sight and now I would prefer a host for my clowns that would be more like a coral...one that absorbs plankton or something...just anything that has no mouth...err...a large one that is...and one that moves...
My tank isn't ready yet with a 50/50 light but I do have 2 power flow things to increase the flow in my tank. I saw a really pretty coral that the aquarist store that I go to has been really helpful with getting me ready to start with some easy and hardy corals. The one I actually had my eye on was the Frogleaf. They said that it would be a great host for my clowns as well--but after reading up on it on the Internet, I read that they were pretty aggressive and will send out tentacles to shock things...
I know the clowns are immune to the sting--but how about my gobies? I was also interested in purchasing this stores' rock that had the various corals on it...the 49.99 one. Anyone have any good/bad things to say about that product?
The only additions that I had in mind were basically a sand goby (my sand is starting to grow a healthy amount of algae--and according to other web sites, algae is bad for corals as they take the nutrients of the water etc. etc...so I want to eliminate my algae issue before I add any corals)...and a sand starfish.
Eventually, I will upgrade to a 30 gallon tank but I don't want to bite off more than I can chew...my little community is happy right now but my tank looks very bare, it has about 14 lbs of live rock, one little algae grass patch and about 1.5 inches of live sand. Any tips would be great!
:nervous: :nervous: