Hi first post look forward to getting alot of info



Welcome, you came to the right place, there is alot to be learned here. I know I have.


welcome> I think you will find there is so much info on here. I just like to go thru and read. Good luck
What size of tank and what do you have in it?


Active Member
this site is worse than gambaling. cant get enough. hahahah wait till about a week on here. and you'll forget about alot. you will become more advanced in no time reading these posts. welcome.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chance
I dont have a saltwater tank yet but Im going to get one soon.

In that case, GOOD FOR YOU! I wish I had found this site before I got my first tank. It would have saved me quite a bit of headaches!


Active Member
Hi Chance and welcome. You have come to a great place to get info. Ask questions on here instead of the local fish store LFS as they tend to just sell you things to sell. We can help you NOT make the crucial mistakes alot of us have made in the past. Good luck and ask away.


Active Member
Welcome! Go slow, Go BIG and go for it! Lots to be learned and this is the place!
Good book to start with "the Conscientous Marine Aquarists" By Robert Fenner.
Read/research and when you're done do it again! Learn from our mistakes......