Hi im New

nm reef

Active Member
Welcome to the forum....and great pics!!!
Provide all the details of your system....the more the better.:cool:
Hi Im in Fort Walton Beach Florida 60 miles from Pensacola although I work in Pcola everyday,Have been doing reefs altogether for about 5 yrs this tank is a 100 gal all glass tank with 800 watts of mh and vho combo lights I have a 20 gal sump with a refugium in it, Excalibur Skimmer and all water is ro/di water I drip Kalkwasser twice a week and also add Kents liquid calcium stays at about 450 ppm I only use io salt and us a meter to test my makeup water so I know when to change my di filter
I store all my makeup water in a 55 gal usda approved container
and change 10 gals of water a week I have 2 seven inch fans in my hood for ventilation temp stays around 81. I also have a 90 gal fowler tank I have just stocked with dwarf angels etc i love to post pics and see other peoples tanks so thanks guys for the warm welcome. Casey:)