hi need help


:help: i got my fishtank for about 8 week's and alot fish die thats cool because like all u say u stare like that but most of my clown fish die because the ich i treat my tank whit a rid.ich kordon. for 3 days .most of a ich is go on. after 2 weeks im treat my fish whit a melafix for 7 days but my last clownfish just die today my PH.8.2 my ammonia is 0.25 my nitrate is betuin 10 and 20 and my nitrite is 0.25 i got live rock,snails, etc. what im doing wrong???? :notsure:


Staff member
Hello, ccamaleon, I'm going to move your thread over to the Disease Forum.
Please read the FAQ Thread at the top of the Disease Forum. Particualarly the posts on Quarantine and Ich.


Oh boy. Where do we begin?
Have you done any research on saltwater tanks before you decided to set one up?
How did you cycle the tank? And how long has it been since its been cycled? Did you add fish right away?
Your ammonia, nitrites and nitrates should be at zero.
That may be one reason you are not able to keep your fish.
You can go up and do a search for pretty much anything you want to know. And you can always ask questions. Take a few minutes and go through some of the posts. Youll be surprise at what you can find out.


well i would advise bringing every living thing in the tank back besides the snails and hermits and stuff.your levels are way out of control.how long did you wait to put fish in?what fish do you have?


like i say i weit 5 weeks before i put fish, i stare whit a snails,crabs,live rock live sand etc. i just got a gift a 135 gal.clarity plus, metal hilide lighting, volcanic rock, circulating pump, skimer, etc i just wanna make it right all tips are welcome..


Active Member
I assume Volcanic means Lava rock?...not a good choice for saltwater, they are know to leach metals and other nasties into the tank.


ok tanks beth for the info im glad that u goy's are telling me i do not much about salt water fish i be doing my research for about 8 weeks and i learn soo much from u guy's like i say eny help i be greatfull:happyfish


Staff member
Are you looking for a hang on skimmer, or in the sump? For equiptment, your best bet is shop online. Everything is available online to choose from.