Hi :) New member and new tank here


Hey all :)
I have a fully cycled [in 7 days] 90 gal tank.
I have a 1.5-2" aragonite sandbed, Just over 93# of LR, which I cycled with [mostly].
Right after the cycle, I added just over 40 hermits, mostly blues, but 2 scarlets, and one halloween hermit. A few days later, I added a brittle and a serpent star to help eat and clean all of the detritus that still remained. This is at about two weeks. Right after, I noticed a lot of diatoms, which I assume is normal. Over this time, I had a lot of feather dusters appear, and With just over 1W/gal of 40000K standard lighting, I have had a lot of macro algaes grow on the rocks near the lights at the top, and I mean a LOT of macro growth... My coraline has been slowly growing, and this is not very common, as I know it. I have noticed a lot of tunicates, a few filter-feeding worms, and a few tiny snails come out.
Anyways, for filtration, I have two very large aquaclears [dont remember model #] running with carbon [will remove very soon], and sponges. I have a very big [also dont remember make ;) ] powerhead with a filter attachment, and a smaller aquaclear. My turnover rate is about 11-12. I have no sump/refugium due to space issues. Also, I am a skimmerless person. Not because of the money, but I did do my research over the past 6 months while planning this, and I deduced that I will not be needing one.
I added 4 small 1" Marine cats [Plotomus lineatus] to help the tank mature, and theyve been great. Very friendly little fellers... but I dont let them get too close to my hand unless I feel like being stung :p
My stars are constantly cleaning, and my hermits are hard at work, and the tank is coming along very nicely. Last night, at about 9:00 I started acclimating a brand new lawnmower blenny [$38 Canadian :| ], and released him at about 10:30...I was very careful and cautious about it.
When I got up to go to school this morning, he was scooting around happily, bright colours and running close to my little cat school.
I got home today, and he was dead. Very small white lines/cuts under his jaw, and a tiny amount of ick on his back. I was not happy. Water parameters are perfect.
So, this sunday, I hope to get a few cleaner shrimp [probably a pair for now] to help battle any parasites that may come in again, and later another fish. Probably a coral beauty.
Was it too soon for the blenny? He ate algae pellets at the store, and I know he didnt starve overnight. Or was it just a coincidence? Or are my cats the villains? I dont really know right now. I would have a quarantine tank, but ATM I dont have room/space/$$$ for it, and I dont plan on getting one any time soon...
Any ideas or comments? Thanks,
Drew :)


New Member
Well, Congratulations on your new tank and my condolences on the dead blenny! So far, it sounds like you have a case of the can't waits! I was the same and kept adding fish after fish till I ended up with 5 dead tangs and a VERY unhappy feeling! From what I have been told and have read on this forum, you need to cylce you tank for a minimun of a month!?! And you HAVE to quarantine ALL fish for a minimum of a week or two!! I don't know much about inverts though, as far as quarantine and if they benefit from it.Maybe someone else can respond to that. All I can say is take it slow. It MIGHT have been too soon for the blenny, he'll never get to tell his story! But don't get your heart broken! I've lost alot of $$$ in this hobby, but it's cuz I was ignorant and impatient. So take your time, fish will be around as long as man is, and maybe even longer! Ask questions, don't be embarrased. The only "stupid" question is the one not asked!
Good luck!!! ;)


Would it be okay to add a few cleaner shrimp soon? As in sunday? I need to go an hours drive away for them, so I dont have a lot of time or choices on when to go... I hope they can help clean up any parasites that do if they ever show up again, and since I dont have a QT tank... :|
Do cleaner shrimp do better in pairs or odd-numbered groups? Should I go for a pair or trio? Thanks,
Drew :)
Also, not this thursday or the coming thursday, but the NEXT thursday, I will be getting a coral beauty... Should I try to get a very small one? One of the last fish I plan on getting is a flame angel. SHoudl I get a really small one and hope it doesnt grow too much by the time I add the flame?


Buy a QT with the fish, and did you say your tank was cycled in 7 days? Are you sure that sounds way fast.


Yup... 7 days. Minimal crud, and a lot of cured LR... quite surprising :p
I was considering adding damsels to help the tank mature, but obviously, how do I get them out when I want them out?
Are there ones that would be easier to catch?
And for the MORE peaceful damsels...what are they? Blue devil, yellow-tailed, those pink/white ones ;) , sargeant major? I dont really know much about damsels...never considered them really.
Also, would damsels hurt snails/shrimp/crabs? Or just aggressive to fish?
Drew :)

mr . salty

Active Member
Instead of damsels,look at the Chromis.They are very nonaggressive fish,and kinda cool looking in small schools...


If the Lawnmowere had ich, then the tank now does. I would wait and see if the other fish show signs before I added anything else. Everything I have read says that to get rid of ich, you have to remove all of the fish and let the tank sit for 3 weeks for the crud to die off before returning your treated fish. That is my understanding folks, please correct me if I am wrong!


From what Ive seen and read... do not add a coral beauty yet! Your tank needs to mature so wait a while... I know its hard!!! I think Chromis would be a good idea after your ICH problem is gone.
Hope I helped. :)


I know I know... I will wait at least a couple months for the coral beauty just because of the ick cycle :| Also, I dont feel like losing another $40 fish ;)
I realllly do not like chromis, and clowns are not in my final stocking list... I think Im leaning towards the royal gramma as a 'starter fish' ...are they aggressive to inverts at all? Or any fish that come near their territory?
Drew :)


I may be wrong for doing this but i use Safin Mollies to cycle mine there very easy to catch and cheap and can live in SW with no problem even though there sold for fresh use.