HI people


Active Member
whats going on not too many of you remember me only a couple mods maybe a few others I sadly had to shut down my tank recently due tooo well........laziness and somewhat of slacking off and getting hooked on a few other things. But I would like to restart my tank over and not due reef this time lol too much work with reefs. I took out my live rock and still have my livesand in the tank how much of the sand is alive. I dunno... but i cleaned up the whole tank pretty much just have my refuge to fill and my filters to clean but it is still running. No fish died or inverts I sold them back to the LFS before my tank crashed. I wish i hadnt slacked off because before I got back into gaming all I did was clean my tank and write messages on here. But I just need some help on restarting my tank. I still have all my supplies and ---- just need help with other stuff. I think im going to do aggresive or just maybe community.I havent decided yet. But I love SW fish and the hobby and want to get back into it. I will soon have a job so I can use all my money on my tank and not have a car :D :p But hey im only 15 who needs a car anyways. But my main question is what do I need to do to restart the tank I have some of my old water left I put in some new water to raise the level so I could clean the algae but the tank was dead for about 2 months.
Help Needed,

nm reef

Active Member
Logan...empty it...clean it really good...and pretend you never had one to begin with. Then research the hobby from day one and develope a system that you'll continue to develope ten years from now.:cool:
Ain't much help with your questions but thats how most of the reefs here were developed...one step at a time over an extended period of time!
Best of luck and welcome back....:cool:

melissa v.

I remember you:p
i couldn't imagine being able to use your old water or sand i would ditto the previous answer.
Melissa V.


New Member
thanks guys i didnt intend on using the old water :p I havent been away from the hobby that long but yeah thats the hard part i hate picking it up the tank weighs a ton. And I have to use a bucket back and forth since the water hose and froze up due to it being winter here in michigan :S :( But thanks NM Reef and Pics will be up soon.


Active Member
oops i forgot my old pw so i made a new account forgot to switch back :D But i dont it will be reef again maybe ill upgrade it when i can get a job and aernt so broke :D lol