hi, question on lighting


hi everyone, i'm new to this board..fairly..at least... and have a 55 gallon that is a fowlr.. currently i have 3 fish... and some inverts with about 75 lbs of liverock.. i'd like to start more with corals, clams and anemones, but dont know what kind of lighting I should be looking at.. can someone point me in the right direction?


I have one percula clown, a coral beauty angel, and a lawnmower blenny... will probably put some more in... but i really want an anemone for the clown and just not sure my lighting is good.. i just have the bulbs that came in the hood that i bought right now :(
i also have a cb shrimp, some hermit crabs and some snails, and 1 emerald crab so far.


Active Member
if you ever wanna consider a clam or some sps corals your going to need Metal Halide lighting....
anemones are tricky they need excellent stable water conditions and a fairy mature tank.... they also need a lot of light too... the easiest of the ones usually to keep would be a bubble tip anemone but i dont know if your clown will accept that kind of anemone my tomato clown loves my rose bubble tip anemone.... if you want some soft corals only and a few easier LPS corals then i would try a power comapct or vho set up... but believe me everyne ends up wanting MH in the end.... i had PC for a while then switched to a MH PC combo over my 100 gallon reef and its great i keep everything from softies to lps corals to anemones sps corals and a crocea clam.... if money isnt too much of an isuue go MH