Hiatian Anemone Pink Tip Problem


New Member
My Hiatian amemone which I have had for about 2 months is having problems. Its pink tips are becoming wilted and shriveled. See attached photos. Water tests are good, its eating SilverSides every 2-3 days, lots of light 3*250watts, Reef Tank , Photo Attached



How long has it been like that? What is your salinity? any medication or chemical lately? It seems bleached on the color, but otherwise it looks OK.


New Member
I would say about 2-3 weeks. when I picked it up its ends were well rounded and smooth. now the look dried out and stubby. End night it gets a nice deep purple. But the tips have changed. Slat is dead nuts on right in the arch .021-.022


it seems like they got tanggled, like too many tentacles got involved in grabbing a food or something .. usually, if it is tanggled, it will return to normal state soon within 2 days .. if it got trapped by something more serious than food, like power head, it will take longer. I have mine before that somehow manage to tie a knot on it self .. so it cut itself (yes, detacth the tanggled section) to free it.
If none of the above apply, there is something in the water that caused it .. Some people may say your salinity is a bit low, but in my experience this anenome can take .020 salinity .. but .023 is better .. raising yours may not be the answer if it has been there for 2 weeks with the same level.
In my experience, there is a product out there (ex: for filter feeder food) that can caused the anenome to deflate .. so trace back what you did before you notice the changes.