hickhiker is hurt


New Member
We bought a ton of LR at the LFS and the girl pulling out the rock said it brissle worms on it, but on the way home I looked in to find it was a brittle starfish. I had my husband floor is and we got it home right away and put the rock with him in it into the cycled seahorse tank.
I feed him frozen mysis shrimp when I feed the SHs. He is eating well, but when he did come out the front of his skin was missing but not decomposing (sp?) and I could see the inside that was yellow kind of gold color. His arms are gray very plain.
What kind is He?
Thanks Mandy


Active Member
There are well over 2000 species of brittlestars so it is impossible to know from this description, and without more specifics on the origin of the rock and a picture.
The animal may recover easily assuming water quality is ideal (specific gravity should be 1.025-1.026 - lower than this is stressful). If it is eating this is a good sign. Keep getting food to it and keep water quality stable and hopefully you should be OK.