Hiding Anemone


Why does my Bubble tip anemone keep hiding under the rocks. I know they the light to survive. So why would he move to where he cant get it?


Active Member
There are many reasons some are general but others are based on your specific tank.
Can you please share some your tank info:
Water parameters
How long has your tank been up and running



i have a 30 gal tank with 2 x 65 pc's and its been up and running almost 4 months now.
In the tank i have:
60 lbs of live sand ~4"
30 lbs of live rock
~10 blue leg hermits
~30 or so asorted snails
2 skunk cleaner shrimp
2 clarki clowns
the BTA
and a porcupine puffer until my 75 gal tank is finished cycling from the looks of it 2 or 3 more days
the last time i tested (last week) my parameters were
pH 8.2
NH3 0
Nitrate <0.2 (lowest my kit goes)
Nitrite <10 (lowest my kid goes)
Alk 45 meq/L which is about 225 ppm
i know the porcupine puffer isnt supposed to be in there with them (or in a tank that small) but i got such a deal on him i couldnt pass it up. Plus the 75 gal tank will ready shortly. The porc has only been in there about 3 weeks or so.
The BTA hasnt ever really settled on a spot in the tank since i got it. He comes out for a day or so but then he heads back under the rock in a cave where he cant possibly be getting any light. On weekend i went home to vist the rents in Boston and when i got back sunday night he looked terrible (all shrivvled up and wilty). I pullled him out of the water to smell him and see if it was dead from what i heard the stink to all hell when they are dead. He smelled fine and i placed the BTA and his rock back into the tank under the light. He stayed there for a day or so and started to look better but then sure enough the next night he was back under the rocks.
I was just wondering what would cause that to happen. ive moved him back ino the light a couple of times but he always ends up back in the rocks. I would leave it there but i know hell die and i just cant let that happen. Plus one of my clarki's is hanging out in it and he seems to like it too.
any help would be greatly appreciated.

reef diver

Active Member
ok, just let your anemone sit, unless it gets stuck somehow, mine did, it will eventually come out. It takes a few good weeks of low lighting to kill an anemone. Mine has found its place in my small litle wold, however, the tank is in m room, however, the spot he chose is almost impossible for him to attach, so he keeps falling, so i moved him down a notch, to a perfct place. Leave them be(usually)


so basically you are saying he wont kill himself. If he were on his way out he would move back into the light.


Active Member
Originally Posted by boozzbro
i have a 30 gal tank with 2 x 65 pc's and its been up and running almost 4 months now.
In the tank i have:
60 lbs of live sand ~4"
30 lbs of live rock
~10 blue leg hermits
~30 or so asorted snails
2 skunk cleaner shrimp
2 clarki clowns
the BTA
and a porcupine puffer until my 75 gal tank is finished cycling from the looks of it 2 or 3 more days
the last time i tested (last week) my parameters were
pH 8.2
NH3 0
Nitrate <0.2 (lowest my kit goes)
Nitrite <10 (lowest my kid goes)
Alk 45 meq/L which is about 225 ppm
i know the porcupine puffer isnt supposed to be in there with them (or in a tank that small) but i got such a deal on him i couldnt pass it up. Plus the 75 gal tank will ready shortly. The porc has only been in there about 3 weeks or so.
The BTA hasnt ever really settled on a spot in the tank since i got it. He comes out for a day or so but then he heads back under the rock in a cave where he cant possibly be getting any light. On weekend i went home to vist the rents in Boston and when i got back sunday night he looked terrible (all shrivvled up and wilty). I pullled him out of the water to smell him and see if it was dead from what i heard the stink to all hell when they are dead. He smelled fine and i placed the BTA and his rock back into the tank under the light. He stayed there for a day or so and started to look better but then sure enough the next night he was back under the rocks.
I was just wondering what would cause that to happen. ive moved him back ino the light a couple of times but he always ends up back in the rocks. I would leave it there but i know hell die and i just cant let that happen. Plus one of my clarki's is hanging out in it and he seems to like it too.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey Boooz this is great information. Thanks
Ok fellow Bostonian, to start anemone's are difficult to take care and require an upfront investment to ensure success.
Water has to be near perfect: No amm, trites, very low trates, ph 8.2, alk s/b 8-10. The most important are the trates, trites and ammonia. The PH, alk, temp, and SG, these you need to be in the ball park. Bear in mind this is from my experience and these are the parameters that produced success for me.
I would reccomend you return your anemone until your system is better established. It took almost 9 months before I could keep one.
My 3 other anemones did the same as yours. 2 of them came out once then under the rock and even if i placed them out in the light they would go back under. They will kill themselves by staying out of the light.
After much research, my system was not established to support an amemone. Just food for thought.
Hope this helps. ***)


Active Member
besides 130 watts of pc's IMO and in vpiers ( the mod) arent enough over a 30. they require mh's. i just purchased a 55 gallon with 216 watts of t5 and i will try one

reef diver

Active Member
Mi8ne did hide for a few days, seek thomas's advice. Ryan 216 watts is not enough. Keep in mind it is not the intensity of the light, but the amount of wattage per gallon of light output. You could have a 150 watt metal halie over a 55 gal, and it would be way too little. Also, 216 watts is not enough. 3 watts pergallon is minimum is my LFS's reccomendation, and hes been keeping anemones for 15 years. you dont have quite enough, I have 260 watts over my 55 gal but then again 130 watts over a 30 may be more than 3 watts per gallon but it is nowhere near enough, it just isnt enough light.


you saying its the wattage per gallon. From what ive read on here and other places it is recommended that you have 4 to 5 watts per gallon. I have 4 and 1/3 watts per gallon. What woudl you say i need to have an anemone?