Hiding or dead?


I bought 2 Ocellaris clowns about 2,1/2+ months ago. I lost one to an infection after the stupid chromis chopped it(never touch another fish just my one clown
) Anyway the one I had has grown quite a bit just telling you for background. Anyway yesterday I got another orange/white Ocellaris plus a black/ white Ocellaris clown.
After I got them in the tank I gave one good feed(while lights out only daylight) then covered the tank with a sheet. This morning all three were quietly floating around together. I brought the dog for a walk to come back to only the orignal clown and the black/white the other gone.
I left the lights out most of the day. Only on for about 3hrs total 2 different times to feed.
It's been a good 8 hrs and still now sign of the little orange one. What are the chance it's hiding so well I can't find it VS it got killed? I was gone maybe 30mins when it disappeared. I checked all around the tank in case it found a spot to jump but didn't see it.
Oh I could see most of my hermits so maybe thats a sign it's not dead.


Active Member
Your only supposed two have 2 clowns per tank (and they have to be the same type) unless your FTS is beastly. How big is your tank?


Active Member
They can have a b/w ocellaris with an o/w...but 3 is not a good idea. It causes too many territorial issues and pairing issues.
I wouldn't be too surprised in this case, that the other o/w was in a fight with your original, which btw, is a female now. So that means the b/w will be the male if small enough. If not, then it's only a matter of time before one or the other will die from fighting over dominance.
Wait a few days and see if the other o/w comes out but don't be surprised if you don't see it again. You'd be amazed at how fast a bunch of hermits can demolish a clown.


Its 170g tank. I wanted to get two of each color but didn't realise the b/w were more then the o/w so didn't bring enough $$$ with me to the IFs. They should have been OK in that sized tank I would have thought especially after seeing all three together peacefully. Their the same kind of clown just diferent color so that shouldn't be a problem.
The b/w is smaller and the two remaining seem to be pretty close now, no nipping or chasing.


Active Member
Sounds like the two remaining have paired up pretty nicely. No matter the size of the tank, I would never recommend putting more than a pair of clownfish in. They claim the whole tank whether it's a nano or hundreds of gallons. They are part of the damsel family and are aggressive fish. Some more so than others. The original one in your tank has already established dominance. So anything, no matter what species, is fair game for hazing or even being killed. If I could keep both types of maroons in my tank I would. I love my clowns. They've got to be my favorite fish. But I can't.... they'd kill each other. My female chases after my little clown gobies and tries to kill them if they get near her bubble coral. If they're where she wants to be then she chases them off. No matter where she is in the tank. To her it's HER tank. lol They just stay out of her way and that's how they coexsist.
Would love to see pics of the remaining two. I bet they're beautiful together.
Hope this information helps.


Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08
Sounds like the two remaining have paired up pretty nicely. No matter the size of the tank, I would never recommend putting more than a pair of clownfish in. They claim the whole tank whether it's a nano or hundreds of gallons. They are part of the damsel family and are aggressive fish. Some more so than others. The original one in your tank has already established dominance. So anything, no matter what species, is fair game for hazing or even being killed. If I could keep both types of maroons in my tank I would. I love my clowns. They've got to be my favorite fish. But I can't.... they'd kill each other. My female chases after my little clown gobies and tries to kill them if they get near her bubble coral. If they're where she wants to be then she chases them off. No matter where she is in the tank. To her it's HER tank. lol They just stay out of her way and that's how they coexsist.
Would love to see pics of the remaining two. I bet they're beautiful together.
Hope this information helps.
Ispotted it! It's behind the rock where my 3 stripe damsel hangs out. I was wondering why the damsel wasn't still sleeping(alway behind there unless there's food or light on) The damsel the size of a small plum is scare of a tiny little baby fish haha
I'm getting 40 more LBS of live rock so in 5 weeks or so once I go through what was suggested in another thread to make sure it's safe I'll be rebuilding. If it hasn't come out by then maybe it will then or just stay back there away from the other two.
I have seen 4 grown clowns in a tank before but that was probably the rare case huh.


Active Member
WHEW! Glad to hear that he's ok....It's not completely impossible to have two pairs in a tank but the majority of the time they don't get along too well. So are you planning on getting another b/w to go with the other guy and seeing what happens or just leave it be or??
Typically, the outcome of a missing clown with two others isn't good. Wasn't trying to be to pessimistic but I didn't want to give false hope either. He's probably hiding because of the other two though.
Hope it works out for you which ever way you go.


Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08
WHEW! Glad to hear that he's ok....It's not completely impossible to have two pairs in a tank but the majority of the time they don't get along too well. So are you planning on getting another b/w to go with the other guy and seeing what happens or just leave it be or??
Typically, the outcome of a missing clown with two others isn't good. Wasn't trying to be to pessimistic but I didn't want to give false hope either. He's probably hiding because of the other two though.
Hope it works out for you which ever way you go.
I'll give the guy hiding a chance to see if he comes out unharmed. If so I'll go get another b/w and maybe one of those underwater case thing to put it in to give everyone a chance to adjust. If I lose one I'll just leave it as two.
I seem to have a pretty mellow tank. the Damsel doesn't bug anybody and the yellow tang doesn't say boo even though he's a big guy. Only one was the chromis who nipped the first clown I lost that got infected from the bite. Chromis hasn't touch another fish though.