Hiding Watchman Goby?


Hey, I got a yellow watchman about 3 weeks ago. He was doing great, found a nice cave to call home immediately and would always slide through some rocks to see what was going on in the front of the tank. About 3 days he went missing. I couldn't find him in his cave, he would not come out when I put food in, and no more coming to the front of the tank. Then all of a sudden yesterday out of nowhere he came out from wherever the hell he was. I only have about a inch of sand in my tank and the majority of it is in the front with not much in the back so he can't bury under it, I am not even sure if they do that. But are watchmans notorious for doing this kind of hiding? He does not come out much anymore and I know hes not getting picked on by any other tank mates, so where could he be going for so long? Any answers would help! Thanks.


I thought mine was dead for 3 months after I got him. One day I saw something yellow sitting on the rocks, was my darn goby alive and well lol. Now I only see his head from time to time and if I sneak a look at night I can catch him out sometimes. I'm sure yours is in there alive and well, mocking you from under a rock


Mine will hide under/around the same spot all the time too. My 2 year old likes to point at him and laugh. She thinks it's funny because he's almost playing hide-and-seek with her.


My dad has a watchman goby that hardly ever has come out from hiding. The watchman I bought hid alot at first but over time it started to come out more. Now it's out most of the time. I've had the fish for 2 years. Does anyone of you have one colored like this one, here is a pic? Mine was yellow when I first got him but he changed as time went by.


Originally Posted by kilmca
My dad has a watchman goby that hardly ever has come out from hiding. The watchman I bought hid alot at first but over time it started to come out more. Now it's out most of the time. I've had the fish for 2 years. Does anyone of you have one colored like this one, here is a pic? Mine was yellow when I first got him but he changed as time went by.
That's what mine looks like. He's more green looking. Not really yellow at all.