High ammonia or re-exposure to ich???


Five days ago I put my beautiful yellow tang, two clown fish, and a green chromis in a hospital tank to be treated for ich.
I did not have a hospital tank set up previously, so I used water from my display tank and a sponge that had been in the display tank sump for over a week.
After changing 2 gallons of water tonight, my ammonia levels in the 10 gal hospital tank were .5 to 1 and my nitrites were a bit high too. ARGH!!!
Should I take the fish out of the hospital tank and put them back in the display tank due to the high ammonia level? I am stuck between a rock and a hard place on this one...high ammonia/nitrites or re-exposure to ich???
What should I do?


Active Member
How big are the fish that you are treating? It sure sounds like you are overstocking a small, uncycled tank. Ammonia toxicity will often kill a fish faster then ich will. This needs to be treated quickly.
Do you have any other options (another larger tank,etc.)?
The options I see are: 1) Use frequent water changes to prevent the ammonia from rising to toxic levels, 2) Use Amquel to help break down the ammonia or 3) Make your display tank your treatment tank and put your live rock, inverts and corals into your 10 gallon tank.