After having tank up and running (fishless) for 4 weeks, I added 3 damsels at the guiding of my fish store guy. They have been doing great for over a week. I've been doing water testing and ammonia went really high (water in test tube turns grass green color) after it was alright before fish were added.
The Nit____ that turns light blue is good, but the Nit___ that turns yellow is a little darkish yellow and I know it should be 0. (These are done using Aquarium Pharmecuticals test kit) Ph is also good (8.2 ish). Salinity is perfect.
Funeral had to be held for striped damsel. Also, I noticed that he had what looked like a bruise on his side yesterday. He was dead this morning.
HELP! Do I need to change some water? Do I need to add some chemical? (Stress-Zyme, like it says in my water testing booklet??)
The Nit____ that turns light blue is good, but the Nit___ that turns yellow is a little darkish yellow and I know it should be 0. (These are done using Aquarium Pharmecuticals test kit) Ph is also good (8.2 ish). Salinity is perfect.
Funeral had to be held for striped damsel. Also, I noticed that he had what looked like a bruise on his side yesterday. He was dead this morning.
HELP! Do I need to change some water? Do I need to add some chemical? (Stress-Zyme, like it says in my water testing booklet??)