high ammonia


I've had a few post on here about ick and hypo...but this tread is about high ammonia levels in my 55 gal tank that is currently in hypo. I used hypo in my display tank after an ick outbreak all was lost except my watchman goby, which is still alive and doing very well. However my inexperance cost me when a failed to remove the LR and LS from the tank, which in my current research was a big mistake. I assume the die off from the LR and LS is the cause of the high ammonia levels which is about .50 ppm. I am going to move the goby into the Q-tank that has just finished its cycle. But what do i need to do about the now dead sand and dead rock?? I can buy more LS to add to the old sand, but how do I revive the rock. Should I cure again in a rubbermaid tub or scrape it and use it for base rock? Thanks for your advice in advance.


If you are going to remove all the livestock, why not let the rock and sand cure in the tank. That way your tank will be re-cycled and the rock cured.


Good point! I just can't tell if the LR is dead or not. It still has coralline algea on it that was there when I bought it, and it didnt smell too bad.