I have to throw this out there because I just went through this myself. I was banging my head against a wall trying to figure out what was causing my calcium and alk to be so crazy.
Anyways, I was using a swing arm hydrometer that had been tested against the LFS refractometer and always came up correct (usually tested it every 3-4 months). As long as it was reading correctly, I wasn't going to spend the money for the refractometer. So, since the last time I tested it, it went crazy. It was reading 1.023 while in reality I found out that it was actually 1.030! Since the salinity was so much higher, the alk and calcium also shot up high (along with magnesium). I was shocked when I finally bought a refractometer and saw that the swing arm had finally died on me in that 3 month span, even had the LFS confirm. So, lowered my salt and fixed the alk & calcium issue.