high calcium level



I got a new test kit for my tank that measures alakalinity in the water, which my last kit didn't. It says my PH level is steady, but my water has to much calcium in it. How do I lower this level? I add Kent to get my PH up to 8.2 and that is now steady and has been for months. I did not know about the calcium level until I bought this new test kit. Should it be high due to the added buffers I put in to keep the PH steady?
There are no fish in my tank at the moment, but I'm afraid this will stay in my rocks.
Thanks for your help! :notsure:
Fishy1 :joy:


what do u consider high? i dont see any readings posted. you shouldnt have to add anything to bring your pH up as it should be done naturally. for each thing you add to your tank the more your readings will change in another perameter. what was your pH before adding kent and what kent product did you add to get it up?


Unless your calcium is REALLY high, you should be safe. Heck, a decent calcium level is a plus. Makes for some nice and colorful coralline on your LR.
Just how high is it?


Active Member
Good readings are ph 8.0 - 8.45, dkh of 9, and calcium of 420. It can fluctuate a little around this, but stability is more important as long as it is in this range.
Ideal calcium uptake occurs between ph's of 8.4 and 8.45 but good luck in maintaining this fine of a fluctuation. I have been unable to keep a ph completely steady at any level except 8.2, which I have resigned to accept.
Make sure you dose alk buffer along with calcium, as alk will lower when calcium is raised.