If your levels are that high I would take out about 30 gallons....and make sure to suck all the crude out of the gravel. In doing such a large change you can replace it slowly a few gallons at a time (over about an hour or two) so that the fish are not overly stressed. Clean out all your filters, and if your levels are still high in a week do the same amount of water change in a week. Your levels will get better with all this work. Don't worry about changing out too much water. I always change about 35 percent of my tank out every 2 to three weeks, and this large amount has never harmed the creatures, but kept my water quality good. I recently ordered something on line called Algon which is supposed to really reduce nitrate levels when you stick this tiny packet in your filter every two weeks. I haven't tried it yet.....just ordered it yesterday. Try a search engine like dogpile.com and type in Algon. My nitrate levels are in the safe range for fish, and the crabs and shrimp are doing fine, but I just ordered a red marble star fish and I read that they are very sensitive to nitrates.
Good luck, Lesley