High nitrite... will shrimp be harmed?


I just added more live rock to my tank. After a week, the weirdest thing has happened... the NH3 and NH4 are near perfect, but the nitrite shot back up.
I had added a pepermint shrimp. Do you think it will be ok? What should I do?
Are pepermint shrimps hardy?
(35 Gallon Tank, 50 lbs Liverock, No Protein Skimmer, One Clownfish, One Damsel, One Pepermint Shrimp)
Code Red


Active Member
how high is it? If I remember correctly, moderately high nitrate won't hurt livestock in the short term. it just may affect overall water quality in the longer term.


From my experience, shrimps can survive in "polluted" water but it is when they molt that the problem comes in. In order for them to molt properly, water must be good. I had 2 cleaner shrimps that died because they couldn't complete the molting process.