A few weeks ago I had a P.H. of 8.35 and asked the question of how to lower a high P.H of course every one said that 8.3 was great and to rest easy
But now I have a reading of 8.55 and I am getting worried I'm not sure why of the reason it won't stabalize maybe not enough buffer trates 10 phosphates 0.3 trites 0 ammon 0 calcium 560 alk 2.5 330 watts vho 55 gal
But now I have a reading of 8.55 and I am getting worried I'm not sure why of the reason it won't stabalize maybe not enough buffer trates 10 phosphates 0.3 trites 0 ammon 0 calcium 560 alk 2.5 330 watts vho 55 gal