High P.H.


A few weeks ago I had a P.H. of 8.35 and asked the question of how to lower a high P.H of course every one said that 8.3 was great and to rest easy
But now I have a reading of 8.55 and I am getting worried I'm not sure why of the reason it won't stabalize maybe not enough buffer trates 10 phosphates 0.3 trites 0 ammon 0 calcium 560 alk 2.5 330 watts vho 55 gal


Active Member
I recommend a water change to bring down the calcium and pH. I like sea chem reef builder to increase alkalinity, without affecting the pH.
A very successful breeder suggested to me to use Salifert kits for Calcium and Lamotte kits for Alkalinity. This will ensure that your readings are accurate since test kits vary wildly.
What kind of gravel do you have? Aragonite will also help buffer the tank, some gravels may leech chemicals into the tank.


thanks I use a checker P.h. pen I calabrate it and double check it from time to time I have deep sand bed 3" half med coarse and half fine sand 6 mo old but heres the real deal I broke down and called a friend with high marks as a reefist. and was told P.H. readings as high as 9.0 were acceptable any comments from the sharks


DAMN DUDE I gotta get around here more often burnNSPYY You made shark congratulations!!!
What do you think about the 9.0