high ph ?


a few days ago I took out about 15 lbs(of the 30)that I had in my 30 gal and put it in my 125 ,because 2 fish had died and I was looking for them( found one on the floor..no sign of the other which was seen the night before..my water readings were perfect except nitrate which was 80..within 3 days nitrates are down to 40 and going down but my ph is at 8.8 always been 8.1-8.2..in the tank still and doing fine are 3 in.porq,2 in watchman goby,1 fire 1 cleaner shrimp and 2 med anenomes...15 lbs lr 2-3 in sand bed,skimmer fuval 404..I can see how nitrate could go down but why did my ph go up,and what to do ?..thanx


Active Member
If I may ask ...
Did the live rock that you removed to the 125 tank have a lot of algae or plant growth ?
Do you have a lot of green algae in the 30 gallon tank ?


no green on the rock at all some pinkish and purple, but I do have to clean green algea off the glass every 5-7 days..I think thats from a strong light ( 110 wtt pc ) that sits right in the front...any thoughts appriciated..thanx again


Active Member
After removing the live rock did you add more saltwater to offset the water that had been displaced by the removed rock?
Are you doing substantial water changes ?
What about circulation ?
Tell us a little more about your set up please.


saltwater was added to correct gravity,circulation is return on fuval 404 and airstone(I did have a ph on the ugf which I took out when I changed to the sand 1 month ago,I still have surface movement but not as much... and now I will add a ph to it to increase the surface movement,water changes have been done 2 times this week of about 15-20%, second one because I found half the coral bueaty that was missing


Active Member
Well .. I didn't forget about you peasly1.
Several things could have led to your rise in pH.
Ruling out the possibility that you added any excess pH buffer supplements that would have raised it significantly like baking soda, and you are not adding kalkwasser too fast, I will take swag at it.
You had 2 fish die in the tank. Sounds like one jumped out of the tank, the other still missing ?
Have you determined what was the cause of the other fish's death?
For the rise in pH - my guess is that you had 30 pounds of live rock in the tank - with a minimal amount of water circulation. Not much gas exchange at the surface of the tank, and poor circulation in the middle and lower parts of the tank.
Your pH was around 8.1 - 8.2 based upon your alkalinity (buffer) at the time, and your tank's oxygen O2 and carbon dioxide CO2 amounts were at some equilibrium under those conditions as well. You may have had poor gas exchange and a higher than desired level of CO2 in the water - but your pH was stable under those conditions.
It's possible - that by removing half of the live rock, you may have allowed what little water circulation you had to increase - allowing more CO2 and O2 gas exchange - CO2 and O2 concentration levels changed - and may have resulted in a swing in pH.
The pH of water is influenced by these changing concentrations of CO2. Carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid. Increases in carbonic acid will drive your pH DOWN - but the chemical reaction goes both ways. A decrease in CO2 in solution will lead to a rise in pH.
Somewhat similar to the natural pH swings you see in a tank with fish and algae, as you go from day to night and back.
This may have been the cause - not sure - but it's one possibilty.
Sorry for the long reply - you asked what time it is and I end up telling how to build your own wrist watch <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />