High PH


Hello all,
In my tank I have corals and fish. I just did a 25% water change yesterday and checked my PH right now and it is reading 8.4. Just wondering how can you lower the PH to 8.2 and what would cause the PH to rise?


Active Member
Originally Posted by saleensc405
I was under the impression that the PH had to be 8.2 and no higher?
8.4 is fine. These sometimes arbitrary "ideals" are just that, arbitrary, and do not take into consideration all other aspects of the tank. It is like getting "0" on nitrates. It leads to frustration.
pH will drop normally over time. So long as it is pretty stable, it is not an issue. What is your alkalinity and calcium? Do you add anything else to the tank, other than food?
But overall, there is no issue whatsoever with that reading, and trying to lower it can cause big issues.