High Phosphates

I noticed tonight that the water that I have been mixing for the past week had algae in the drum. I know I had Phosphates in my DT but I never checked my RO water. I checked the fresh water before mixed and the saltwater that has been mixing. They are both between .2 and .5 on the scale. I have a TDS meter hooked up to my RO DI filter and it reads 0.
Is this Phosphate problem because of my RO DI filter or does that not take it out?


the DI filter should take all that out you should have a 99% pure water out of the DI side.
what brand salt are you useing?
does your phosphate test do fresh and saltwater if so run a test on the outlet water and see if you are reading anything. if not its the salt mix adding some in.
Originally Posted by Michael TX
the DI filter should take all that out you should have a 99% pure water out of the DI side.
what brand salt are you using?
does your phosphate test do fresh and saltwater if so run a test on the outlet water and see if you are reading anything. if not its the salt mix adding some in.
I thought it should take everything out. I use to have a Kent Marine RO filter and I never had this problem and then I bought a new no name 4 stage filter and I am having this problem.
I am using Reef Crystals salt.
I am not sure if the test does fresh and salt water. I was using the Red Sea test kit which I am finding to be junk. I ran a test on the fresh DI water with no salt and it read the same as the saltwater that has been mixing for over a week now. It reads between .2 and .5 with both of them.


nothing will take 100% of everything most say 99.99% pure water. with that it also depends on how long your filter and medias have been used if they are towards the end of their life they will start to let things slide by.
do you have a TDS meter?
all RO/DI filter resins and membrains are not the same there are some differences in them that could be the cause as well. what are your stages on the new filter?