high temp problem


Hi, I just placed a power compact aqualights on my 75 gallon and my temp shot up to 81 degrees! What do you guys do about this?


Active Member
Do you have glass tops? If you do I would remove them if possible. 81 is fine and as long as it doesn't continue to rise you will be ok.


New Member
I've read that a reef tank is good up to 84 degrees. Also if you want to bring the temp down, place a portable fan pointed towards the waters surface either in the sump or main tank. You'll get more evaporation but lower temps



Originally posted by GrndHog
I've read that a reef tank is good up to 84 degrees. Also if you want to bring the temp down, place a portable fan pointed towards the waters surface either in the sump or main tank. You'll get more evaporation but lower temps

After putting MH & PC on my tank I was having huge temperature swings. Tried this yesterday & it definitely works!


so a fan can be placed by the sump, I never thought about that. You would think the pc lights fans would be more efficient. I also put the cap up while I'm at work today.


Most of the pc units I have seen (other than Retrofits) are labeled against putting them in any type of enclosed hood. If you do put them in a hood or canopy you will need a lot more fan than the little built in ones on the lights.I wanted to use my hood with pcs but after modifying it several times gave up and just sat light fixture on top of tank. Still gets warm but not nearly as bad. HTH


well it's too bad the lfs told me it didn't matter. I've been keeping the hood up most of the time. Thanks for your help.