high water temperature


I have recently started my tank. I really like this so far. When I first got a thermometer it was kindof high in temp. a couple of days ago it read 86F. How can I lower this?
29 gallon
280 emperor bio-wheel filter
Rena 150w heater
301 PH
20w light
will get LS and LR tommorrow( bare bottom now)
thanks alot
P.S. the heater has a built in thermostat that turns on when the temperature is lower than the desired temp (78) and it turns on sometimes but not much. Could the thermometer be bad quality?
thanx alot


One of my friends had the same problem. He put some ice cudes in his filters and it helped. Also try to run your A/C and leave your house in a cool environment.

cptn howdy

i've been freezing 2 trays. one that has fresh and one that has saltwater. problem is, is that i don't really see it doing much for the temperature. if anything, it slightly lowers it but just for a very short period of time.
course it IS pretty funny to watch the feesh start nippin at it. then they look at me all spiteful.


In the past I have filled one of those 20 coke plastic bottles with water and placed in the freezer. Then place that in the tank it self that way you wont have to worrie about watching the ice cubes all the time. If it gets to cold then ur heater should turn on and leavel it self out. I have a 75 gal reef set up and I keep 6 20oz bottles in my freezer and dueing the summer I'll use 2 a day.


thanks alot. I just put some in my filter and it lowered it by 2F. I just checked it and it is rising again. I will try that 20oz coke bottle trick.
thanks alot u guys r helping a newbie:D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Actually you need to find out if your heater is working correctly. Adding ice is a short term solution unless you plan to do that every few hours. You could find a fan and have it blow across the glass for the time being and that will drop the temp a few degrees. While 86 degree won't kill anything in the short term, it will in the long term. With that many watts it doesn't much to heat your water fast. Also make sure whatever you are using to get the temp is working OK too. O)f course this assumes the temp in room the tank is less than 86 degrees!
Good Luck


Try turning off the heater for a few days ( or lower the thermostat to as low as it will go) and see what the temp of the tank is. I keep my thremostat on 74, and it comes on frequently, and my tank stays between 80-82. I have a Rena also.


I just tried the ice in bottle technique. It doesn't work. It lowers 1 degree and all of it melts. So u said that a fan blowing on the tank glass and turn the heater to 74 temp. and it should hlp. OK I'll try that