Hilarious & Incredible Fish Survival Story!!!!


Active Member
Well, yesterday i was taking in-car at school, and me and my instructor got to talking about pets. She told me about how her sister had a big SW fish tank and had two parrot fish. I dont know if they were a mated pair or what, but she said they were ALWAYS together like a pair of clownfish.
One day, her sister came home and one of the parrot fish was sitting on the sand, not moving and not breathing. Basically about to die. The other parrot was just hovering above it (as if to say, whats wrong?). So she touched it to see if it would swim away, but nothing happened.
So, she took it out and put it in a bucket with an airstone. After a few minutes, no improvment. So guess what she did?! Get ready for this........She opened its mouth and stuck the airstone down its throat! And what happened? It started moving and swimming again! So she put it back in the tank and it lived!
I thought this was hilarious and just thought i would share it.


Active Member
That's funny, I heard of someone doing that before as well just with FW, I think it could happen but is rare


i once gave "cpr" to a sick angel that stopped breathing, I just held it in front of the PH to allow water movement to pass through the gills, it soon revived and went on living...
not so sure i would use air...


Active Member
Wow... that's one good imagination if the story was made up...
Very interesting. I can't see how a fish could absorb air bubbles being pumped straight into it... but who knows.


Active Member
Totally feasible...and props to her sister.
I had an adult, male Bamboo shark, one time...about 30" long. I came home to find it on it's side, breathing very, very slowly and then finally stopped breathing.
I hooked up an airhose to the air-intake of a powerhead and then held the shark in front of the bubbles/current and it started breathing again.
Come to find out, the oxygen level in my tank was WAY low. I added more surface aggitation and a few powerheads that were blowing bubbles and after a few days, he was fine.


Active Member

Originally Posted by AW2
I hooked up an airhose to the air-intake of a powerhead and then held the shark in front of the bubbles/current and it started breathing again.
That I understand... but sticking a bubbling airstone down it's throat?
that's the part that makes me want to throw a flag.

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
Totally feasible...and props to her sister.
I had an adult, male Bamboo shark, one time...about 30" long. I came home to find it on it's side, breathing very, very slowly and then finally stopped breathing.
I hooked up an airhose to the air-intake of a powerhead and then held the shark in front of the bubbles/current and it started breathing again.
Come to find out, the oxygen level in my tank was WAY low. I added more surface aggitation and a few powerheads that were blowing bubbles and after a few days, he was fine.
You were pumping oxygen rich water through it's gills not air. I helped revive a FW fish for my friend once by running it through the water for a while after doing a major water change when the power went out for a couple of days. But just air? I think I would have to see that to believe it. Stranger things than that have happned I'm sure.


Active Member
I don't beleive it because that would help with a mammal...not a fish. Fishes don't breathe through their mouth( I don't think) but their gills are what helps them breathe by water current flowing over them, so putting one infront of a powerhead is feasible and also what AW said made sense.


Active Member
yes...but, you can get to there gills by going through their mouth. By dropping the airston in its mouth, you ar creating a current (small one) that pulls water from below (where the gills are) up through the mouth and out.
Also, a powerhead with an airhose, is the same thing as an airstone, the flow is just faster.

my way

Active Member
My bad I thought I read it was out of the bucket by then., so yes it is possible. See what happens when I think for myself! :joy: