hippo and yellow tang diet?


I've just been informed that tangs can get HLLE and other diseases more easily if not feed proper nutrion. I feed Tetra Marine flake food twice a day. And also Tetra Color as part of their meal at night to enhance their color. Is their anything else i should be feeding them?

tony detroit

Active Member
I feed
1. Spectrum marine pellets
2. Kent Reef Herbivore Pellets
3. Spectrum RX pellets
4. Omega Kelp Pellets and flakes
5. Frozen Mysis shrimp and bloodworms soaked in Zoe, Zoecon, and Selcon and garlic extract.
6. Seaweed selects brown,red, and green
7. Spectrum optimum flakes (soaked in garlic right from manufacturer)
I've used tetra flakes before......not very impressed with them. I like pellets much better than flakes.
I keep six tangs all happy and fat. A couple have gotten really big in not much time at all.

nm reef

Active Member
Tangs can be suceptable to HLLE...and a proper diet can prevent it.
I try to offer as diverse a diet as possible:
Frozen foods-Hikari brine & mysis...San Francisci Bay Brand marine cusine & mysis...Ocean Nutrition formulas 1&2...plua assorted types of spirulina/silversides/krill/scallopes
Flakes- Ocean Nutrition formulas 1&2...assorted O.S.I. flakes
Plus some fresh caulepera now and then.

Website recently updated...visit and tell me what ya think.
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New Mexico Reef

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New Member
The tangs need a mostly veggie diet. I feed frozen foods and sheets of dried algea. There is a great veggie based frozen food called Formula Two out there.


Wont the tangs eat the plants growing in the tank? I have a huge selection that he can eat, plus he gets frozen brine shrimp and grow flakes. Isnt that good enough ???


I thought tangs were supposed to have a diet low in protein, especially the yellows. Is it true that their color fades the higher the protein in their diet?