Hippo Tang Info


Last night I visited the LFS to pick up some water and saw the coolest little hippo. He's about the size of a quarter. They were asking $18 for it. Looks like its in good health, no scratching or heavy breathing. I left it on hold till sunday to do some research. What i would like to know is anyones experience with them. yes yes i know they are ICH Magnets. But before i buy i'd like to know how hard they are to keep, diet (what kind of veggies to feed it). compatability with a mean clown and two anthias. I have a 55 gal (a little small i know, will be upgrading towards the end of the year, over 100 gallons). 65 lbs of LR. getting more and am almost done with my sump/fuge which will hold another 15 gals. what do you think?


Let me be the first to suggest you not put a tang in a 55. If you're really going to buy that 100, soon, okay. The hippo should be fine there.
The hippo I had ate everything! Loved Seaweed Selects and brine shrimp. They do get big fast though. (Mine died of ick, BTW.)


urgh, i just read the other post about tangs. probably going to get more no's than yes's which is cool.
so far i've been pretty good about taking things slow. i think the tang is a big step. the tank's been up since december by the way.


definitely getting a bigger tank this fall when i move out of my parents house. got my sites on a 180 all-glass with twin over-flows. so hard to decide!!!


if you are going to go for the upgrade (I'm all for it BTW) then i would run wiht he hippo, you tank is already up and running and if you are careful you should be ok. A thought for ick prevention, buy some Skunk cleaners as they are great for keeping fish healthy, and once a week of soo feed the fishes food soaked in garlic as this sems to help them fight off the ick. I feen mine garlic soaked food twice a month as a preventive measure.


Aside from size, space and ich, another factor is they require pretty good w.quality and I heard those cute little "baby" ones have much less chance of surviving, meaning the older the hardier in this fishe's case. Some species it's the opposite, but tangs and triggers i was told to buy them bigger, and not juvi or "baby".
I'd still wait for the bigger tank though.
Good Luck


thanks again, keep the opinions coming. on the water quality note. i have an aqua C urchin that hasnt been installed yet. so my quality should only get better with the addition of that an the refugium i'm working on now.