Hippo Tang: Yeh, or Neh?


I'm looking for some opinions on Hippo or Regal Tangs. My LFS told me they were very disease-prone, and she advised me not to try one. She also said they spread diseases to other fish quickly. Any truth to that?
im not sure about spreading disease,but i know they are very suseptable to ick.also to(hlld)head&lateral line disease.i would not reccomend getting one unless you have a very established aquarium with perfect water quality. i made the mistake of getting one when i first started and 5 days later he died wiyh ick. use the search option at the top of the page and you should get lots of info about hippos.welcome to the board!


Active Member
Have had one for over two years in a 125. It is very suceptable to Ick. Got it during the first 6 months 2 different times. Treated in a hosp tank to cure. Purchased a UV sterilizer 1 1/2 years ago and he's been Ick free since. Also very sensitive to high nitrates and will develope lateral head ailment if exposed to high levels of nitrate over a great period of time.


Volitan, I just recieved my quater sized Hippo this weekend and it looks like he already has ick. I'm workin on the hospital tank but he's eating garlic soaked brine so I hope to save him cuz I caught it early. But I have to say that my father and uncle have had great success caring for the hippo tang in the past. As long as you can maintain water quality and give him a good diet and minimize stress factors, I'd say you have a shot. As for me, I'm pretty sure that the stress of adding him to a tank with an Atlantic Blue Tang (which attacked him) as well as the damsels, pretty much did him in. But I'm hoping for a quick recovery.


Here is the opposite side of the coin for you. I had a hippo for 2 years until I moved and gave him away, he was my prettiest, although maybe not my most social, he was always hiding. When I first got him he had lice, which I was told was very common, I quarenteened him for a month, in which time I did fresh water dips and treated him with copper for the first week. after that time I released him into my show tank that I am very careful with. I never had another problem. I am in the process of setting up my aquarium, and will positively add another hippo after my tanks ages for a bit.
Good luck
Have fun
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


I can't imagine a salt water tank without a blue hippo tang. My old one was about 9 years old when he finally died. He was great! I have another one in the second tank that is about 7 yrs old. He's been through it all, he lost one eye to a wild lunar wrasse years ago, but survived. He is the most interest fish to watch. He plays in the air bubbles, like he's riding the wild surf. I just recently started up my new 137 gallon tank and have order 4 blues for that tank.


hippo tang was one of the first fish i got for my tank.I did'nt now they were so sensitive to ick so regardless i lost him.Then got smart and quar the next one for three weeks so far after 4 mo no ick yet.
His my fav fish it come right up to the glass when im near by and shows off for me.I never seen a fish that wanted so much attention.


Awesome pic, old yeller tang! Hippos are hands down, my favorite tangs. I plan on ordering one as soon as I get my qt tank ready. Thanks for the info


got mine about 3 months ago no problems yet.. he is a little bit scared of everything.. he likes to hide when I get close to the tank.. hehe. but he's kinda dumb. he hides his body but lives his bright yellow tail out in the open. Shhh. dont tell him (I pretend I dont see him) but other than that he is my fav fish.. No ick for me either.. Im hoping he will be good in a reef.. Im buying a 55 corner and Im going to make it into a reef.. I have to add him into that tank because I want to make my old tank into a pred. tank. so I hope he will be good boy.. anyone know how to tell the --- on this species?? I remember reading something about a white spot on the tail.. but Im not certain..


My Hippo Tang was about 3 inches long with he was 9 years old. My husband has a theory that they will only get as big as the tank they are in. It does seem to work that way. We had a clownfish in the 65 that had quite growing. When we purchased an 85 also and moved him, he did grow some more. Wish the old blue tang was still here because it would be interesting to see if he would grow more in the 137 tank we have now. :cool: