Hippo Tang


New Member
Hey all, I have a hippo tang that recently developed white spots. Don't appear to be ick comparing to the pictures. It seems more like the lymphocyctis pictures. There are probably 10 spots on his body and fins. The majority look like (for lack of a better term) zits. Bumps with a white top. I can attempt posting a pic later, but he's swimmiing quite a bit so it may be tough. Any way to better get a true diagnosis? Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks...Pat
Water params:
Ammonia = 0
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = <10
SG = 1.023


My blue tang has the same problem, white bumps (look like zits), Beth asked to post a pic, I am trying to do so as well.
My blue tang has had signs of HLLE on his nose, like a lot of tangs, but over the last few days has gotten a lot of the mysterious white bump like zits.
No live rock or live sand in the tank, Fish Only 180gallon.
I hope we get a reponse from someone who has experianced this.
I wish it was ich, I can deal with that!


Staff member
Those spots actually look black. Are they? How long have you had this tang?


New Member
The spots are actually the color of the fish...they look exactly like I would expect a zit to look on a fish. Raised spots with white heads....they look black in the photo, but are not. I must do something about my camera. I have had the fish for nearly a year now. Otherwise is healthy, eating(possibly more voraciously than before) swimming around as per usual.


New Member
Also as seen in th pic directly above...it seems there is some distention in his tummy...not sure if that's related. But it does appear that throughout the day the white portion of the disease has lessened. But there are still raised bumps on the fish some of which have white heads.


What's the temp in the tank and what king of skimmer do you have?
My tang is still showing the same white zits, a lot of them now and it's been more than a week.
Only the tang is showing these markes, there are 10 other fish (mostly small on a 180), but all are looking okay.
My tang is eating and acting normal (but has had signs of HLLE since before this new zit problem), what about yours?
I am in Vegas, and it's hot now, I have been fighting to keep the tank under 80 degrees.
I have it around 78-79 but it get's (and has gotten) as hot as 81.
The skimmer was not working to great (a Prism Pro for a 300g), so I added a Seaclone 150 (but kept the Prism running).
Beth, any ideas???


New Member
Well, now all of the spots are gone...all of the bumps have gone. I'm going to keep an eye on it obviously. But for now it doesn't seem as though there is a whole lot I can do. My temp is at about 79-80º I use a coralife super skimmer. And no my tang has no signs of hlle. Very bizarre, I'm hoping it cleared up on its own.


Staff member
I'm pretty sure, from your description, that the problem is ich. It will come back, and all of your fish will eventually be effected. Take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum, for info about ich and treatment.


Also keep an eye out for the other fishes picking at him. From the looks at his back fin, it looks as though they are eating away at him.