hippo tangs

Hi all .. i was wondering if anyone could give me some info on them .. my lfs has a small one about 3 inches for 42.99 and i was wondering ! is my 55 to small and 2 is that a good price or would i be getting ripped off .. thanks all


Active Member
You tank will do ok provifding you don't have other large fish. I paid 38.00 for mine in the Washington DC area and if you look on this site and add the shipping it's around the same.
BEWARE!! This fish is prone to ICK - it will get it if your tank has it. If you do not QT this fish be prepared to medicate your entire tank.


They are not naturally very aggressive fish in my experience. However they can become so when they are crowded- which yours I believe would be in a 55 (if not now then later). Yes, as with all tangs they are prone to parasitic infection. Great fish though, if you do get him I'm sure you'll enjoy him alot. Also, some say they are a bit difficult to keep, however I found mine to be very hardy.
Good Luck


These fish are great just make sure to quaritine it for about three weeks.If you dont quaritine it.It will get ick The price is about right maybe a little high shop around if you have more then o lfs in your area.