Hippo with hole in the head

I have a hippo tang that some how got hole in the head. I went to the LFS and he said theres not much u can do. He said just to keep water quality good. Hes eatind fine and seems energetic. Will it ever go away????? Please help quick!:eek: :( THANX


Staff member
Yes, Head and Lateral Line Erosion [HLLE], aka Hole in the Head, can be treated. First, post up details about your tank, reef, FO, filtration, size, water readings, etc. Also post up info on what you are feeding the tang.
When did this problem start?
First, post up details about your tank: Right now it is a FO but becoming a reef in a few weeks filtration: I have an aquaclear 500 and a bak pak 2 biofilter/protein skimmer size:55 gallon(just changed 2 55 a week ago water reading: Nitrate: 30 Nitrite: 0 Ammonia: 0 ph: 7.6 Total Alkalinity: 120 temp: 76 info on what feeding the tang: Feeding frozen food from a company called called pro salt. Feeding marine supreme,krill,and pro green. I also give a seaweed treat everyday day or 2.


Staff member
Do you have a grounding probe installed? You didn't say when the tang started getting the HLLE. Some history there will be helpful.
How are you setting up the reef?


Staff member
fish, please calm down. We are communicating on a BB, not over 24/7 manned support line. And HLLE is not going to kill your fish over nite. I know you're upset, but you need to answer the question I'm giving you and stay calm. There is no medication for HLLE. The disease is not contagious and your fish could live a long time with it.
I need to get a lot of details about your tank and the fish itself before recommending a treatment plan for you, so you need to just answer the questions I've asked instead of panicking about not getting instant responses.
When did you get the fish?
Do you have a grounding probe?
How does the fish act, normal, any peculiarities like scratching or shimming?
Describe the HLLE for me. A few spots around eyes, erosion along the lateral line, etc?
How are you setting up your reef?? Are you changing sand, filters, etc?
These are not just idle questions. HLLE is a systems disease and can be caused by many things. Thus, the treatment will be designed to address your particular fish and its environment.
Can you get a pic up of the fish?
Also, a great deal has been discussed here about HLLE. You might also want to do a quick research on the disease by using our Search Feature and type in Head and Lateral Line Erosion, or just HLLE, specifically in the Disease Forum. There is a wealth of instant info available to you that way.
Sorry i got so mad there i just really love my hippo!
When did you get the fish: Probally a month ago.
Do you have a grounding probe: no
How does the fish act, normal, any peculiarities like scratching or shimming: He eats fine and seems very energetic. He loves to go into a fake coral we have.(maybe hes scratching himself)
Describe the HLLE for me. A few spots around eyes, erosion along the lateral line, etc: well he has 2 holes under his eyes and a lot of pin point size holes all around his face. He also has to white blothches above his eyes.
How are you setting up your reef?? Are you changing sand, filters, etc: I already have a DSB so im not changing that and im keeping my bak pak 2 and aquaclear 500 on. I havent started making the reef yet but i am in about 2 and 1/2 weeks to a month.


Staff member
Since you said your tank is "FO", I am assuming that you have dead or fake corals in there, not live rock??
If so, let me say that I feel that tangs seem to get HLLE in strictly FO tanks. This is probably because FO tanks can not naturally produce some of the algae foods that tangs need to graze on. Essentially, tangs have no grazing opportunities in a fish only tank---thus they are deprived of an essential component to their health and well being. HLLE, as I said, has a lot of variables to it, and can be caused by different things---including stressed immune system, perhaps even a deficient or compromised immune system, lateral line sensitivity to stray voltage that is generated by aquarium electrical equipment, nutritional needs not being adequately addressed, behavioral stimuli need not being adequately addressed [such as grazing opportunity], etc.
First, you need to get a good grounding probe and install it in your aquarium immediately. This will address stray voltage in the aquarium. Tangs are highly sensitive to stray voltage in the aquarium and exhibit this sensitivity by deterioration along the lateral line of the fish.
Get Zoecon vitamin supplement and soak all fish food in it. This is an excellent supplement, containing Omega3 fatty acids, and is specifically designed to help with HLLE.
Address the tangs nutritional needs more broadly, particularly his need for vegetarian algae foods. You can try SeaWeed Selects sold at hobby stores or Nori from the grocery store. You may want to even try making your own fish food mix [much more nutritious than store bought foods].
Try using spinach clipped with a lettuce clip [sold in the hobby] to provide your fish with grazing. Once you have your reef really established you may not need this, but right now, with a FO, this fish should be grazing. The spinach will provide some essential nutrition, but will also give the fish the sense of security it needs by grazing. Note that he may not take to this right away, but keep doing it....likely he will get the hang of it and start ripping into the spinach you provide for his grazing.
Again, do some reading here on other people’s experiences with this problem by doing a Search. Also, I think the fish may well improve if you get the reef setup. I should warn you, though, tangs have been know to eat coral polyps [grazing again].


Staff member
Well, I use fresh meaty seafood that I pick up from the seafood counter at the grocery store...shrimp, octopus, scallops, clams, ouster, etc., whatever they have there that strikes your fancy. Then, since you have a tang, get your seaweed foods and mix that in with it. Throw in some finely shredded carrots [for the tang]. Food process, add zoecon and a piece of fresh garlic, food process. Roll out the mixture into a sheet, simi freeze, then cut the sheet into whatever block size you want, then store in freezer bag. Serve up as needed.
Do look up the info on HLLE that I suggested doing using the Search Feature here.


hi i had a hippo with a hole in the head, and water was fine lots of live rock about 40pounds and LS in a 47gallon i got him from a LFS and when i took him home he was acting weird so i brought him back to the store they nursed back to health he just had air in him. had hime for two weeks started with hole in the head still acting normal swiming and eating them two days later more holes came along went to sleep that night woke up and he past, i talked to many fish stores on hippo tangs and did some of my own research and i came up with this leave the hippos alone dont take them from the ocean... there to pron to skin dieseases


Staff member
tara: tangs are more susceptible to diseases in captivity, but there is a reason for this. These fish need larger tanks, and tanks that can accommodate both their extensive swimming needs as well as specialized food grazing needs. In your smaller tank, these crucial needs can not be met---thus the fish do not thrive. They will commonly get HLLE due to these environmental needs not being met.
There are so many beautiful smaller reef fish that can adequately adapt to the confines of aquaria, that hobbyist should really take care not confine big swimmer fish small little tanks.