hippo with ich better now?


Well my hippo tang came down with ich about 2 weeks ago. Like a fool I waited for the QT tank to be up and rinning for like 1 week and a half before moving her into it. The Ich looked pretty bad and I had a hard time getting her out of the display. Ended up taking the rock out she was in and movign them together then feeding her 2 days later and sneaking the rock out. anyway long story short she had the ich a few weeks before I started treating. ( I know very very bad) and now it seems to be gone. she looks fine with no spots but I started the treatment anyway just to be safe. can Ich just go away after a while??? :notsure:


Staff member
denny, ich is a cyclical parasite that has the appearance of coming and going. If you read the post on ich in the FAQ Thread at the top of the forum, you will see why you are not seeing ich at the moment. Nevertheless, your fish, all of them, still have a problem with this parasite.
Please read that post carefully, and if you need more help, post back.
How are you treating the fish? And are you treating all your fish?


treating with a copper based medicine in a 20 gal QT tank. only treating effected hippo tang. been closely watching all other fish ( 1 perc clown, 5 green chromis) and none have symptoms. 3rd day of treatment and hippo still looks fine. Little stressed fromt he move and all but otherwise ok. What is a theraputic level for copper? I dosed as recommended and droped salinity to about 1.019.


Staff member
Do you have a refractometer? It is better to treat with hyposalinity than copper. No need to treat with both metods.
I'm not familiar with that product so I'm not going to guess about it. Follow the instructions very carefully. Don't return that hippo to the main tank for at least a month. I expect you'll see ich on the other fish shortly, but, hopefully I will be wrong.