Hippo with Ick, Q on a QT tank


New Member
Well, this is my first post... I have already read up on some of this, but I wanted to chime in a bit. I have a 150 gallon that I have recently converted from fresh to a reef. I have a few fish and a few LPS. I have the 4x 96 watt 6 foot light with moonlights, 90 pounds of live rock, 80 pounds of base rock, 160 pounds of live sand. I have four 802 powerheads with attachments w/o pads so the fish wont get sucked up, but I've been told that it may be too much flow. It's moving real good. I have 2 protein skimmers and other pumps too BUT...
I brought home a new hippo tang 2 days ago and tonite my cleaner shrimp was working on him. I would say he has about 6- 10 spots of ick on him. I have seen how many of you disagree on most everything, so I try to filter through and decide what is the most sound. I don't want to use any treatments on the tank at this time, that would be a last resort. He is eating, the water quality levels are good, the LPS are open and seem happy. I could either let the sleaner do his job and wait it out, or start a QT. SO...
I have a 6 gallon nano but it has a damsel in it and he will shred him. I do have an empty 10 gallon, extra heater and probably a power filter. I do not have any extra rock and I do not want to leave a QT tank up all the time. The only place I have room for one is in a room with alot of antique rifles and the saltwater adding moisture to the air will rust them. Can I just put it up glass and pumps etc with no gravel or sand, only when I need it? Or do I have to leave it somewhere.
This tang is about 1 1/2 - 2 inches and very cute... none of the other fish are showing signs... yet


my experience is hippos have ich... i wouldnt worry too much mine gets it and it clears up on its own.... temp changes i think kick it off in these fish rather quickly. but maybe im all wrong thats just my hippo


MY experience with a hippo baby.
Got it, put her in QT tank, 16g bow front. She of course came down with ich on the 4th day...my LFS told me to use copper. I did but wont again as it is to hard to read levels. She was in QT for about 2 months. All good, DT had been free of fish for 6 weeks.
I put her in and 4 days later she was scratching with 1 or 2 little spots. I left her alone and it went away and hasn't been back. That was about 3 months ago now. I have her in a 150g, with a huma huma trigger and a 2 spot domino. I do run a UV 24/7 and feed their food with garlic added. My LFS told me not to get excited that they will get it when they are stressed. One of his customers everytime he changed water or added anything to his tank his tang would get ich, but then would go away. I think you need to just watch her closely and if she gets more then QT her do hypo on her. The trick is not to left her get to bad before you start treatment.
I have a rubbermate tub set up in my upstairs bathroom with a hawk fish in it now watching him for signs of disease. You don't need a aquarium, a rubbermate tub as big as you can have works GREAT. The bigger the better for less stress and ammonia levels building up to fast. I have 3 pieces of LR and a hang on in tank filter. Works great.
Good luck, just don't let her get to covered before you start treatment if you wait and see.
No expert by any means. Just my experience with tangs. :happyfish


New Member
Update... there was maybe one spot left the following day, and there are currently no spots of ick on her. My cleaner shrimp is awesome, and it's cool to see her go in the cleaning station and get*R*done.
Now I am dealing with an algae problem. I got some timers for my light so that I cane lower the time. There was a few times they were left on for maybe 15 hours. People turn them on when I'm not home and then I like them on late at nite once I am home so I can enjoy. ***)


Timers are great......I have them on all of my DT tanks. Good luck with the hippo, I love mine. :happyfish