Hippo Wont Eat


my hippo has been in QT for 2 days now i have had him 2 weeks he has ich QT has .15 copper amonia TrItes TrAtes and ph are perfect. the thing is he hasnt eaten the whole time ive had him. my coral beauty and yellow tail damsel eat. im wondering if he doesnt like the food. i have tried everthing. pellets to flake. seaweed. what do u feed yours?


Staff member
How is he behaving otherwise? Swimming normally? Breathing normally?
I feed my fish fresh seafoods.
I would treat using hyposalinity rather than copper.


I feed mine brine shrimp - he goes nuts for it! I also clip green seaweed to the side of the tank, which he will graze on throughout the day. I'm not sure if you've tried the brine yet, but mine really loves it, and I've heard that it can entice them to start feeding more than anything. Let me know how that goes, good luck!


well i just got back from vacation and thank god he is still alive. the ich seems to be gone he looks healthier. breathing and swimming are fine he wont eat the brine shrimp. mabye because its frozen food. my lfs sells fresh brine shrimp, mabye ill try that.


Staff member
Yes, try that.
Did you leave the fish unattended during vaction? :(


yes unfortunatly i had to leave them over the weekend but i did a water change right before i left and the ammonia was low before i did the water change. he is eating now i got some fresh shrimp and he ate them all, now he is eating the pellet food that other fish eat. so all well, ecept the ich problem. i think its gone the copper seemed to work he has been in the HT for about 2 weeks now. all the cysts seem to of fallen off, but i notice that where they were the skin is whitish in color. mabye scars.