Hitchhiker Help...


New Member
I am about a month into the cycle and have noticed tiny white hitchhikers all over the glass. They seem to be multiplying rapidly. I am sure that they are beneficial, but would like to get them under control. I don't have any fish yet, but it will eventually be a FOWLR aggressive setup. Any suggestions as to what I can add now to keep the colony of whatever it is under control?


Can you post a picture or have you looked at the hitchiker id thread here? My tanks at work get these tiny white round things on the walls quite a bit. They're bigger than the head of a pin but smaller than a sequin and I think when I look very closely that they look like the start of little spirals? They don't seem to be harmful though and scrape off easily with a fingernail or a little elbow grease with an algae pad.


Active Member
DaneDodger, the thing you are speaking of are Spirobsis (ro some spelling along those lines) and are harmless feather dusters.
tucker2- Are these white things mobile?


Active Member
DaneDodger .... what you described are Spiroabid worms (sp). They're pretty much harmless and thier numbers dwindle over time.


Yep, thanks guys! I just found it in the hitchiker id sticky. The ones I see are much tinier with less rings on the coils but I'm betting that's just because I scrape them off before they can get as big as that.
Does that look like what you've got, Tucker?


New Member
They are so small that I cannot get a detailed look at them. At first sight they look like little white specks on the glass and then they start grawling on the glass. I browsed through the hitchhiker thread, but since they are so small it is hard to classify exactly what they are.
What can I do to keep these guys under control?


New Member
Originally Posted by DaneDodger
Can you post a picture or have you looked at the hitchiker id thread here? My tanks at work get these tiny white round things on the walls quite a bit. They're bigger than the head of a pin but smaller than a sequin and I think when I look very closely that they look like the start of little spirals? They don't seem to be harmful though and scrape off easily with a fingernail or a little elbow grease with an algae pad.
DaneDodger, I don't have a digital camera, so I cannot post a pic. Even if I did, however, I am not sure they would show up b/c of how small they are.


If they're that tiny and crawling around I think they're pods!!!! Those are great things to have in your tank, congrats!!!!
Don't worry about them. The fishies and such will eat them here and there, they're a good food source for them.


New Member
Thank you for the info!! I do believe that they are pods, but I would need a microscope to confirm. I am glad to hear that they are beneficial and a potential food source for fish. I hope to add my first fish by next weekend.
Thanks, again!!


Dude you've got a hoarde of pods and haven't put in the first fish yet??? I'm jealous!
LOL I'd say you're lookin good!