Hitchhiker help!


I purchased some LR from my LFS about 3 weeks ago and among the various hitchhikers I have one that I can't identify. Three days ago some clear/white organism showed up all over the place. The largest is about 1/4" long. They look like little ghosts zooming around on the glass and rocks. Their bodies are shaped like a horseshoe crab without a tail. They are translucent and a yellow center is visible in their body. I'll try to get a pic later. Any ideas?


Active Member
What your seeing could be several different things, copepods, amphipods, flatworms, mysis shrimp, ect. A better description or a picture would tell for sure. Most likely they are not harmfull. HTH


Active Member
from the brief description i would also say mysis or pods, both are good things, food for fish and detrivore, they will help to clean up your leftovers
taht is one neat thing about lr, you never know what you will find next, VERY INTERESTING things and almost all are good(the only thing i don't want so far is mantis shrimp, and i have been lucky so far)