Hitchhiker In Live Rock


I have a rather pourous 20 lbs chunk of LR, today, inside I saw what I think is a crab, but nothing I put in the tank. It was tan and black, kind of furry looking like a spider, with sharp gold nails on the end of its legs. It was rather large, about the size of a half dollar from what I could see. Didn't see any claws or head structure though. Any ideas? What should I do?


That probably not possible, it's deep in the rock and I need a flashlight to see it. I'm tempted to break the rock in half. I doesn't look all that friendly. I left some empty shells all around the LR hoping it will take to 1 of them, but I'm doubting it.


Active Member
When in doubt, take it out ... it doesn't sound harmless to me. Put some meaty food near the rock and if it comes out to get it, get him!