
ny reef

Well I have recieved My rock and along with it a 1.5 inch emerald crab I had 2 of them and I was starring at the tank in my normal transe and POW there he was It was funny as hell scared the crap out of my daughter she screamed and then we stared in amasement I din't know they got that big...well anyway just wanted to share... :D


What a coincidence! Just yesterday I was checking my tank with a magnifying glass when I found a hairy creature munching on my rock. I also have two emeralds but this hitcher looks nothing like them. Finding hitchikers on my lr has been the best experience of my sw tank to date. In the past month i've found crabs, starfish, worms, an urchin and a nudibranch. The weirdest hitcher was on yesterday's post of someone finding an octopus. Now that would be a suprise!


no the wierdest hitcher is the crab i have that no one seems to know what it is. looks just like an emerald, but is offwhite colored with dark reddish brown stripes on its legs. and half solid reddish brown colored pinchers. and he's nocturnal and loves to burry himself in little caves. he's about 1 inch wide (his shell).
he has killed 2 emeralds and 2 fish so far.
i should have a pic of it this wkend, but i can only get him at night and that is a huge task in itself...i'll see what i can do.